Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy Guide

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy Guide

    The following guide will help you unlock all the trophies of the PlayStation 4 de Middle-earth: Shadow of War.

    WARNING: this guide may contain spoilers.

    Total Trophies: 52 + 1 (Platinum)

    Platinum difficulty: Media

    Hours needed for platinum: 50-60

    Middle-earth: The Shadow of War is certainly not a simple platinum game, but neither is it impossible: meanwhile, the 11 hidden trophies in the game will all be linked to the completion of challenges or parts of the story, so the list of things to do is clear right away; moreover, it is sufficient to play the story only once having the foresight to obtain the 3 missing trophies that we will report to you in this guide.

    Useful Tips

    First, we advise you to fully enjoy the story without worrying too much about the trophies, except for "Vandalism", "The Art of Espionage" and "Betrayal", and collecting as many gems as possible from the treasure orcs and the various collectibles present at inside the game. If you want, to make things easier and faster, starting from Act II you can start getting the trophies related to captains and those online. Keep the "Eternal Peace" trophy for last and you will get platinum without too much trouble.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy Guide

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy Guide


    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy Guide The benefits of loyalty
    Use a training order to assign a gang to a follower.
    To get this trophy it will be sufficient to obtain a training order by purchasing a war chest from the shop. Once obtained, assign it to any captain by pressing the Triangle button and then Square.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy Guide

    Very bad head
    Hit a follower until he has enough.
    You can get this trophy by summoning an orc assigned as your bodyguard or simply by meeting a follower captain, in any case what you just need to do is hit him repeatedly until he gets tired and considers himself betrayed. We advise you to use a not too powerful orc to get this trophy, as, once obtained, the captain will join the enemy army.

     Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideZoologist 
    Attract all kinds of beasts with a lure.
    You will probably get this trophy by playing the story, although it is not related to it. Around the world you will find different lures that you can use to attract the various beasts present in Mordor:

    •  Caragor, lure them by hitting the sacks of meat hanging from the ropes
    •  Spiders, attract them by hitting the eggs contained in the cobwebs
    •  Graug, lure them by hitting a large piece of meat hanging from a rope
    •  Ghul, attract them by hitting the eggs that you will find on the ground along your path
    •  Drakes, lure them by hitting the corpses of other drakes captured inside the fortresses

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy Guide Nemesis 
    Meet the same orc 3 times in Nemesis missions without killing him.
    Send a follower captain to fight against an enemy orc, and you will create a nemesis mission, launch it and humiliate or make the enemy captain flee. Repeat these steps 3 times always targeting the same enemy orc and you will quickly unlock this trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideBlood for blood
    Order a captain to kill his blood brother.
    To get this trophy you just need to find, in the army menu, an enemy captain who has the characteristic "Blood Brother" hatred. Dominate the stronger of the two orcs and send him, again from the army menu, to kill the other, thus creating a Duel mission, start the mission and have your orc kill the enemy captain, intervene in the fight if you want, but make sure the coup de grace is dealt by the friendly orc.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideVertical mobility
    Help a soldier become regent.
    To get this trophy you just need to follow these simple steps: go to an area where you have already conquered a fortress and get killed by any ordinary orc (not a captain), so that he will be promoted to captain; go to the newly-promoted orc and dominate him; access the army menu and move the newly dominated ogre to the current regent's place to get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideTrolling
    Kill a Captain while riding an Olog
    In all likelihood this will be the trophy that will make you suffer the most, obtaining it will not be easy at all, so we advise you to follow these steps that could help you in your intent.

    • First you find, in the army menu, an ogre with the “Band of Olog” attribute (if you can't find it, you can hunt one with that characteristic from your army, or deploy it from chests and then hunt it) and face it;
    • Reduce him to death. EYE NOT TO KILL HIM!
    • At this point, ride one of his Ologs stunning him by pressing the "circle" button at the right time and then "R1"
    • Direct the Olog towards the captain by making him slash by repeatedly pressing the "square" button and with a little luck you will be able to eliminate him by obtaining the trophy.

    Below you will find an explanatory video that can help you follow all the steps in the best possible way.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideWild life
    Kill a Drake while riding a Graug.
    To get this trophy quickly and easily you will need to have upgraded the “Call Mount” skill so that you can call a Graug at your location. Look for a Draco, once you find it, call the Graug and ride him. At this point, kill the Draco in the way you think best while staying on the back of the Graug and the trophy will be yours.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideHorse rider
    Ride all kinds of beasts and rare beasts.
    There are 7 types of rideable beasts in the game:

    • Caragor, callable through the ability "Call mount"
    • Fierce Caragor, callable via the "Call Mount" skill
    • Draco, callable through the ability "Call mount"
    • Graug, callable through the ability "Call mount"
    • Poisonous Graug, rare, found only in Nurnèn
    • Incendiary Graug, rare, found only in Gorgoroth
    • A rare glacial graug found only in Seregost

    Calvalcat them all at least once to get the trophy, we leave you a video that will show you the position of the 3 rare beasts, warning you, however, that it may take several attempts to make them appear on the map:

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideSecond Age Warrior
    Complete all Shadows of the Past missions in a region.
    In each region you will find missions called "Shadows of the past", complete them all in one region to get this trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideVoyeur
    Watch a follower kill another Captain without helping him.
    To get this trophy, all you have to do is watch your follower literally kill an enemy Captain without intervening in any way in the fight. You can easily obtain it during the conquest of a fortress or through a Duel mission.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideHead hunter
    Recruit a follower from each advanced class.
    You will probably get this trophy as the story progresses, however, just know that the advanced classes available are 10: Tamer, Destroyer, Berseker, Tank, Sniper, Warlord, Rogue, Exterminator, Hound and Assassin. You can check the advanced orc class from the army menu by pressing R3 on the selected orc and scrolling to the section identified with this trophy icon.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideIf you can't beat them ...
    Dominate an orc after it has killed you 3 times or more.
    The description of this trophy is very clear, all you have to do is get yourself killed at least 3 times by the same orc and then dominate it. If, and it is possible, after killing you 3 times, the orc will be of a higher level than you humiliate him and then dominate him on the next attempt.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideThe life of the party
    Send a Destroyer on a Feud mission.
    Find a region where you have a follower Captain with the “Destroyer” class. At this point, get killed by any enemy Captain in order to generate a Feud mission. Now you just have to send your destroyer to avenge your death by pressing triangle from the army menu and selecting the enemy orc to get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideFierce
    Send a follower to kill another follower in a pit fight.
    You can only get this trophy after conquering the first fortress and then unlocking the pit missions. Just send a follower Captain to fight another of your orcs through the army menu.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideTwo are better than one
    Send a follower to help another follower on a nemesis mission.
    To get this trophy it will be enough, from the army menu, to order your Captain to attack an enemy so as to create a nemesis mission, at this point select another of your orcs and send him to support in the mission you just created.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideBetrayal
    Start a Conquest with all Commanders as spies.
    This is one of the missing trophies in the game, so try to get it as soon as possible once you have completed Act I and recovered the Ring. Dominate all the commanders of a fortress (those positioned above the walls in the army menu) thus making them spies. At this point start the siege and the trophy will be yours.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideEverything is permitted
    Humiliate an Assassin until he is mad.
    You can get this trophy once you have unlocked the "Death Threat" skill, but we advise you not to try until you have also unlocked the "Worse than death" upgrade to avoid numerous attempts that could fail. Find an enemy Captain with the "Assassin" class, dominate him and then humiliate him until you see the words "he is crazy" appear on the screen to get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideTry again, you will be luckier
    Meet an enemy or follower who has cheated death.
    You will probably unlock this trophy without any effort. As you wander around the lands of Mordor, you will get the trophy when you meet a follower you thought you had eliminated earlier.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideNo orc will be abandoned
    Rescue a follower who has been captured.
    You shouldn't have big problems getting this trophy, as your followers will surely participate in various missions on their own and will happen to be captured by an enemy Captain by generating a Rescue mission. At this point start the mission, free your follower and the trophy will be yours.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideDream big
    Reach the rank of Captain in Online Conquest.
    To get this trophy it will be necessary to improve the online statistics of your army up to an overall value between 2500 and 2999 points. To do this you will not necessarily have to conquer the fortresses of other players (which in any case would earn you a bonus of 100 points for each conquest), but it will be enough for you to upgrade your fortresses offline, which is why, most likely, you will get this trophy by playing the Act IV. To check the score of your army, from the main menu, access the online menu and press X.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideThe art of espionage
    Turn a Commander's bodyguards (at least 2) into spies and then attack him.
    This too, like the “Betrayal” trophy, is missing, so dedicate yourself to it as soon as you can. By selecting a commander in the army menu you will see him connected to other orcs by one or more white lines, these will be his bodyguards. Reach each guard and dominate them by choosing the option to make them a spy (if necessary, infiltrate your Captain as a spy). At this point you will have generated a betrayal mission. Complete it and you will get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuidePurge
    Purify all haedir.
    This trophy will also help you with the various collectible-related trophies, as purifying the haedir will allow you to locate all the artifacts scattered around Mordor. There are 18 haedir in the game, three in each region. Simply reach them, climb the tower and, holding circle, purify them.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideVeteran
    Unlock all player skills.
    You will only be able to get this trophy once Act III is complete, as you will unlock a skill upon completion. In the meantime, unlock all the others (it will be enough to unlock only the basic skills and not the upgrades) and then, upon completion of the aforementioned Act, you will get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideThe spider web revealed
    Discover Shelob's last memory and reveal the Web of Destiny.
    By purifying the haedir you will reveal the location of all collectibles, including Shelob's 16 memories: complete them all to unlock the final memory to Cirith Ungol who, once completed, will deliver the trophy to you.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideAccomplished stories
    Find all Gondorian artifacts.
    There are 54 Gondorian artifacts in all, however you can only collect 53 as the last one will be delivered to you by Idril upon completing a mission. To find out their position, purify the haedir.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideThe stuff of legends
    Equip yourself with a full set of legendary gear. 
    You will automatically get this trophy near the end of Act III - once you have all the parts of a legendary gear set, just equip them to unlock the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideNeutralized
    Neutralize an outpost.
    Once you enter the second game region you will find on the map some outposts (identified by red colored areas). Go there, accept the mission that shows the icon of this trophy, complete it and you will get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideDeath is not the end
    Revive a follower captain.
    To get this trophy you must first have completed Act III and all the pit missions in Minas Morgul, in order to unlock the ability to resurrect your Commanders. Select a dead Captain from the army menu, resurrect him by pressing triangle and the trophy will be yours.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideMan of his word
    Issue a death threat and then kill the target.
    Once you have completed the first missions in the second game area, you can use the worms (orcs marked with a green icon) to threaten a Captain with death. Do that and then kill that Captain to get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideMaster blacksmith
    Forge a maximum level gem.
    To get this trophy you just need to combine 3 refined gems to get a perfect one.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideAvenger
    Complete a Feud mission.
    When killed by an enemy orc, you will generate a Feud mission which will allow you to return to him and kill him. Complete the mission by killing him to get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideBlood pacts
    Complete an online feud.
    The feuds online are missions that will allow you to avenge a player by eliminating the orc that killed him. Complete one and you will get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideSay "friends" and enter
    Open one of the doors of Ithildin.
    In each region of Mordor you will find, scattered around the game map, some words in elven that you will have to decipher through a mini-game with analog sticks. Find all the words in a region and go to the Ithildin door that you will find on the map, here you will have to reassemble a poem with the words you have deciphered to open the door and get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideVandalism
    Destroy a monument.
    This is the last of the missable trophies featured in Middle-earth: Shadow of War. Simply enter an enemy camp and look for a monument depicting an ogre; Climb to the top and destroy it by pressing R1 to get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideHostile takeover
    Defeat a Commander.
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideReady for war
    Complete a Challenge to upgrade a piece of equipment. 
    By killing the enemy Commanders, it may happen that they drop pieces of equipment of different levels: some of these can be upgraded by unlocking the upgrade by completing a specific challenge and then buying it for a few handfuls of Mirian. Do it and the trophy will be yours.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideThe best defense ... 
    Equip an Shock Force with 3 Siege Upgrades. 
    Before starting the assault on an enemy fortress, you can prepare your army for battle by assigning Commanders to the various Assault Teams and, for each Captain, you can select an upgrade that will assign a characteristic to his team. Assign and upgrade 3 Commanders to 3 teams to get this trophy which, however, you should automatically conquer as the story progresses and the difficulty of the sieges increases.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideThe rule of three 
    Unlock 3 gem slots. 
    Each piece of equipment can be upgraded by setting a gem. Initially you will have space for only one gem, but you can unlock other slots (and thus get the trophy) by buying them by spending 1000 Mirians each.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideBlacksmith 
    Combine three gems of the same quality to forge a higher quality one. 
    To get this trophy you just need to collect 3 identical gems by killing the treasure orcs and then combine them together to get a more precious one.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideSILVER TROPHIES

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideExiled
    Defeat Suladân. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideSubmissive
    Defeat Helm Hammerhead. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideThe dark horror
    Defeat the Balrog. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideWhat was lost
    Complete Act I. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideFirst steps
    Conquer the fortress of Núrnen. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideEternal peace
    Complete the Shadow Wars. 
    Keep this trophy for last. You can get it by completing Act IV.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideUndeath defeats undead
    Complete all Carnan missions. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideUndeath defeats undead
    Complete all Carnan missions. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideNo orc lives forever
    Win all pit missions. 
    In each region, after having conquered the relative fortress, missions will appear in the pits where you will have to send your orcs to fight against enemy Captains. Complete all 15 (3 for each region, 3 different levels) and you will get the trophy.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideDrive out the darkness
    Complete all of Eltariel's missions. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideFor Gondor!
    Complete all Gondor missions. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideGOLD TROPHIES

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideStalemate is a win
    Defeat the Witch King and conquer Minas Morgul. 
    Trophy linked to history.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideTROPHY OF PLATINUM

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Trophy GuideThe Shining Lord
    You saved Middle-earth. At the moment… 
    Needless to say, to get this trophy you must first unlock all the others.

    ► Middle-earth: Shadow of War is an Action-RPG type game developed by Monolith Productions and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 10/10/2017
    Middle-earth: Shadow of War is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 87%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of La Terra Di Mezzo: The Shadow of War

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