By playing Minecraft Dungeons you will have realized the presence of some secret levels. To get them you will have to find the relevant maps, well hidden in some of the nine main missions. In total there are five, but not all of them are simple and immediate to recover. For example the level "??? ” it will lead you to have to collect nine different runes in all levels after completing the game. In the following list we have detailed each of them along with their related secret missions, as well as their location and the actions to follow to obtain them.
Minecraft Dungeons - Secret Levels
Go to the Pastures of Pumpkin. To access the hidden level you will need to obtain the relevant map, kept safe in the hold of a pirate ship. As the levels are randomly generated, many times the aforementioned ship will not be available and therefore you will be forced to return to the camp and start the level again and continue exploring. Once you have found the ship, go into the hold, survive the horde of enemies and steal the map.
Creepy Crypt
Go to Creeper Forest. Before reaching the caravan, explore the map and enter the secret crypt. Continue through the dungeon to get the map and unlock its new mission. Find more info on how to unlock the Secret Crypt here.
First, finish the game on basic difficulty. From the camp, move east and use the platforms to jump to the next area. In front of you you will find a portal (not yet active). Moving south you will find yourself in the area to the right of the drawbridge (remember to lower it) and from here you can access the church. continue to the end and you will find a button with a series of luminous runes on top: nine precisely, one for each level. At the entrance to this room, to the left of the archway, you can interact with the painting of a dog: it will show you where you can find the runes in each level (luckily these areas are fixed). Or:
- Creeper Forest - when you reach the village and the mission that asks you to free the prisoners, go west. You will find a pile of stones under which a button is hidden. Press it to access the crypt and get the first rune.
- Moist swamp - after defeating the boss, to the right of the door you will find a group of red and white mushrooms. Below them is the button to access the second rune.
- Pastures of Pumpkin - once you reach the dam, continue to the right on the stone bridge and press the button hidden behind the wooden crates. Collect the third rune.
- Canyon Cacti - reach the area where you are asked to collect the blue key and resist the horde of enemies blocking the gate. To the left of the gate, in the shade of the palm tree, you will find the button to press. Kill the enemies and collect the fourth rune.
- Pietrarossa mines - continue in the mission. As soon as you are asked to free the six prisoners, move to the northwest and press the button hidden by the red stones. Collect the fifth rune.
- Burning Forge - one of the easiest to find. At the very beginning of the level, before entering the cave, move to the vase on the left. Next to it you will find a button. Press it and collect the sixth rune.
- Temple in the Desert - when asked to find the golden key, enter the room that contains it but don't pick it up. Move to the adjacent room, just north, and continue to the top corner to find the button. Go down into the crypt and collect the seventh rune.
- Altoblocco salt - Continue through the level until you are prompted to reach the throne room and get the golden key. Reach the locked golden gate and continue to the center of the map, under the stone sculpture with the red and green gems on its head. Go up the stairs to the northeast and interact with the button on the middle pylon of the house on the left. Collect the penultimate rune.
- Pinnacle of Obsidian - arrived at the library, continue until you reach the classroom with chairs on both sides and an altar to the north. Push the book into the bookcase on the altar and pick up the ninth rune.
Now go back to the camp to insert all nine runes in the altar. Collect the map to unlock the secret level, certainly the most difficult of all Minecraft Dungeons.
Damp Cavern
Go to the Moist swamp. Explore the area to the west until you find a dungeon. To get the map you will have to resist the enemies, interact with the altar and then you will have access to the room that contains it. Keep in mind that there may be more than a single cave to explore.
At the beginning of the level, open the map. If at the bottom left you read 0/0 secrets go back to the camp and restart the level, because you won't find any dungeons.
Under the stairs
From the beginning of the level, continue until you reach a pair of stairs with two shields in the center. Push the shield left and retrieve the map inside to unlock the last secret level of Minecraft Dungeons.
These are the five secret levels of Minecraft Dungeons. With the release of the next DLC we will let you know about other secret additions. If you need, don't hesitate to ask us for help in the comments.
► Minecraft: Dungeons is a scrolling-Adventure type Beat 'em up game developed and published by Mojang for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 30/06/2020
Minecraft: Dungeons is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 77%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Minecraft: Dungeons review