Level 1 - 1
STAR COIN 1: shortly after the start of the level you will notice the first star coin clearly visible above you.
STAR COIN 2: Shortly after the checkpoint you will find the second star coin surrounded by a brick wall. Just destroy them to get it.
STAR COIN 3: Enter the green tube shortly after the second star coin to reach the third.
Level 1 - 2
STAR COIN 1: After entering the green pipe, advance until you come across three koopas trapped by bricks and with two Pow blocks on the side. Hit one to make the first star coin appear.
STAR COIN 2: enter the yellow pipe immediately after to reach the second star coin. Be quick to reach it once you hit the blue block; alternatively equip yourself with a gold flower.
STAR COIN 3: (Fire flower required). Continuing you will come to a strange tube with two ends, one of which is marked by a yellow sign with an exclamation point. Hit the latter with fireballs until a mega-mushroom comes out of the other. Mario will transform into a giant and destroy everything in its path, including the blocks that protect the third star coin.
Level 1 - 3
STAR COIN 1: (Mario Procione required). From the beginning of the level, continue until you come to a sign with an arrow pointing up. Follow the direction of the arrow while taking flight and you will reach the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: continue until you reach a green pipe facing down from which goombas come out. Above it is another green tube that can be reached through Mario Procione: enter it and you will recover the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: Use Mario's raccoon tail to destroy the brick wall that prevents access to the third star coin clearly visible on the screen.
Level 1- tower
STAR COIN 1: after the red ring you will come to a crossroads: keep left to get the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: Immediately after the checkpoint you will notice a red tube on the left. Enter it, hit the blue block and before time runs out, go upstairs using the support of the snake blocks to reach the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: exiting the green tube immediately after retrieving the second star coin, you will notice the third just above you: it will be enough to go up to retrieve it.
Level 1 - 4
STAR COIN 1: shortly after the start of the level you will easily notice the first star coin. Just go up on the mushroom-shaped platforms to reach it.
STAR COIN 2: As you continue, you will notice a blue tube at the top of the screen and pointing downwards. Enter to reach the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: after the checkpoint, continue to a very large red platform with numerous hanging bricks. Jump into the empty space between the two yellows to bring out a beanstalk. Going up, you will come to the third star coin.
Level 1 - 5
STAR COIN 1: you will find it easily by continuing in the level.
STAR COIN 2: Enter the yellow tube shortly after the first star coin to reach the second.
STAR COIN 3: After the checkpoint you will notice a green tube that emits a continuous jet of air upwards and two openings in the upper wall: enter one of them to reach the third star coin.
Level 1 - A
STAR COIN 1: Shortly after the start of the level you will notice a yellow hatch with two bricks on it. Destroy them and drop down to get to the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: you will find the second star coin simply by continuing through the level.
STAR COIN 3: just before the flag you will come to a suspended structure composed of pipes from each of which a piranha plant comes out. In correspondence with the left tube there is another one of which only the ends are suspended. Jump near the entrance of the latter so as to make a brick appear that will allow you to enter. Inside you will find the last star coin of the level.
Level 1 - castle
STAR COIN 1: you will notice the first star coin on a mobile platform sometimes covered by lava, while you will be suspended on a rope above. Go down with the right timing to get it.
STAR COIN 2: At the end of the rope you will notice a skeletal koopa under four bricks. Climb over the first two, jump to make some hidden ones appear, climb again and continue to the left to retrieve a Super Leaf. Once you have donned the robes of Mario raccoon, take flight continuing towards the right of the screen to reach the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: continuing in the level you will find it dominated by a huge twomp. Drop it a couple of times to clear your way and get the last star coin.
Level 2 - 1
STAR COIN 1: just before the checkpoint there is a small platform partially covered by the screen. Jump on it to reach the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: shortly after the checkpoint you will come to a yellow tube. Enter, collect the golden flower and continue. You will find it easily.
STAR COIN 3: after exiting the yellow tube, go back a few meters to retrieve the third star coin.
Level 2 - 2
STAR COIN 1: you will find it easily as you progress through the level.
STAR COIN 2: after the checkpoint, slip into the yellow tube hidden at the bottom of the screen between the two platforms with a similar shape to that of an arrow. Inside you will find the star coin.
STAR COIN 3: continue and following the arrows, go up to the top. Once at the top, head left and you will find the third star coin.
Level 2 - 3
STAR COIN 1: Shortly after the checkpoint you will find two yellow pipes, one of which will have access blocked by a row of blocks. Grab the turtle shell above the first tube and throw it at the Pow block. Enter the tube, choose the path on the left to retrieve the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: Once out of the tube, take the turtle shell and head left. Also in this case, throw the shell against the Pow block to get the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: shortly after exiting the tube, three rows of moving platforms will appear in front of you. Trying to stay as high as possible, climb onto one of the back row ones and jump to the partially covered block of bricks from the top of the screen. Continue to get the star coin.
Level 2 - A
STAR COIN 1: The whole level is built around moving platforms. Climb on the fifth and when it reaches the apex, jump on the one to your left: you will reach the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: on the ninth platform (counting the two by which you have reached the first star coin) you will find a red koopa: hit it and collect its shell. Once down, use it to collect the second coin.
STAR COIN 3: shortly after the checkpoint go up on the mobile platform and as soon as it is clearly visible, jump on the one on your left, a little higher than your position. Keep jumping on the platforms to reach the third star coin.
Level 2 - tower
STAR COIN 1: clearly visible on your left shortly after the start of the level.
STAR COIN 2: shortly after passing the checkpoint you will find a door; enter it and keep going up by jumping on the moving bricks (ignoring the exit door) to reach it.
STAR COIN 3: Once you reach the top of the tower, use the wall jump against the bricks (equipped with sharp spikes and moving) that separate you from the mid-boss door. At the top you will find the third star coin.
Level 2 - haunted house
STAR COIN 1: in the second room, the one with the giant Boo chasing you, there are moving purple bricks. Climb on the second one you will find to easily reach the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: continue until you reach a trampoline hidden in the floor. Climb onto the adjacent platform for your weight to lower it completely, clearing the passage to the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: Shortly after passing the red ring, you will see the third star coin floating right above your head. Just take advantage of the trampolines hidden in the floor to get it.
Level 2 - 4
STAR COIN 1: shortly after the start of the level it will be sufficient to slip into the second hole clearly visible during your ascent to reach the first coin.
STAR COIN 2: After the checkpoint, slip into the yellow pipe located shortly after. Destroy the brick on the ground and without jumping, go straight on from where it was placed. You will descend on a moving platform which will lead you to the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: just before the end of the level you will reach a double row of coins positioned vertically along a tunnel that will lead you to the exit. Jump over the hole and move on to reach the last coin.
Level 2 - B
STAR COIN 1: hit the bob-ombs to make them explode and destroy the blocks that prevent you from accessing the first coin.
STAR COIN 2: After the checkpoint, let yourself be dragged down by the adjacent quicksand, following the trail of coins. Once inside, use a bob-omb to detonate the plug blocking the mini volcano and retrieve the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: continuing you will find a cactus closed between two mini volcanoes: to reach the third star coin it will be enough to jump on the bob-ombs fired by the adjacent cannons in order to obtain the necessary momentum.
Level 2 - 5
STAR COIN 1: as soon as the dog is facing in the direction of the first star coin, clearly visible shortly after the start of the level, it will be sufficient to hit the pin that holds it chained to the ground, so as to make it destroy the bricks that there prevent you from reaching it. Alternatively you can use a gold flower or raccoon Mario.
STAR COIN 2: Hit the long pin that holds the dog chained next to the red pipe a couple of times. Once done, you will be able to access the latter.
STAR COIN 3: shortly after the checkpoint you will find yourself in front of yellow platforms of various sizes. Go down and next to the second dog, you will find the star coin.
Level 2 - Castle
STAR COIN 1: visible shortly after the start of the level.
STAR COIN 2After the checkpoint you will find a yellow brick. Once hit, grab the trampoline and use it shortly after to retrieve the floating star coin above your head.
STAR COIN 3: keep the trampoline on the platform until you see a red tube above you. Go inside and hit the first brick on the left so that a blue block appears. Once you jump on it, all the coins in the room will be temporarily transformed into bricks that will make it easier for you to access the last star coin in this world.
Level 3 - 1
STAR COIN 1: clearly visible on the screen and easily accessible by using the fish emerging from the water as a springboard.
STAR COIN 2After the checkpoint you will find a suspended pipe from which a piranha plant comes out and three bricks on the side. Climb above the latter to reach the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3After the golden ring you will find 3 green pipes interspersed with two barrels suspended above the water. Climb onto the second one and let it sink to the bottom to get the third coin.
Level 3 - 2
STAR COIN 1: visible shortly after the start of the level.
STAR COIN 2: after the checkpoint, enter the yellow tube located shortly after. Continue to reach the second coin.
STAR COIN 3: you will find it easily by continuing in the level.
Level 3 - A
STAR COIN 1: clearly visible shortly after the start of the level (keep to the top of the screen).
STAR COIN 2: After exiting the red pipe, slip into the hole in the floor on your left to reach the second coin.
STAR COIN 3: Once you have passed the red ring, let yourself be carried away by the current to get it.
Level 3 - 3
STAR COIN 1: continuing in the level, you will notice a red block above a spider web: hit it to make the floor appear and slip into the yellow pipe on the left. Hit the bricks to make another red block appear that will allow you to reach the star coin.
STAR COIN 2: After the checkpoint you will find two cobwebs: climb on them to reach another yellow tube. Once inside hit the red block and use the spider as a springboard to reach the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: after exiting the tube you will find the third coin not far from your position.
Level 3 - tower
STAR COIN 1: As soon as the level begins, instead of going into the pipe, enter the water and continue to the left to get the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: once you enter the tube, just continue to reach the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3After the red ring, slip into the green tube above the blue one on your left to reach the third star coin.
Level 3 - 4
STAR COIN 1: you will find it easily as you progress through the level.
STAR COIN 2: Shortly after passing the checkpoint you will reach three boxes partially submerged in purple slime with a red koopa on them: wait for the slime level to drop to reach the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: you will find it easily by continuing in the level.
Level 3 - B
STAR COIN 1: take the minifungo at the beginning of the level and enter the red tube. Run along the row of coins leaning on the flying koopa on your third jump to reach the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: keep following the row of coins and on your sixth jump, leaning on a flying koopa, reach the green pipe. Once inside jump on the cannon bullet and stay on it until you reach the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: easily obtainable by continuing in the level.
Level 3 - haunted house
STAR COIN 1: In the second room jump to the second platform and let it continue until you reach the first star coin.
STAR COIN 2: In the fourth room, go up on the platform in the center: once you reach the apex following its ascent, it will be easy to get the second star coin.
STAR COIN 3: in the same room, enter the last door suspended on the right and go up on the moving platform. The third star coin is placed right above your head - just jump to see and retrieve it.
Level 3 - 5
STAR COIN 1: Shortly after the level begins, you will notice the star coin trapped inside a chain of blocks. Go further until you see a large boulder rolling towards you. Allow yourself to be chased so as to make it break on the blocks and get the star coin.
STAR COIN 2: Enter the yellow tube shortly after the first star coin to get the second.
STAR COIN 3: after exiting the tube, follow the arrow upwards and let yourself be “chased” by the giant boulder just above you: it will destroy the barrier of blocks that precludes access to the third star coin.
Level 3 - castle
STAR COIN 1: you will find it easily by continuing in the level.
STAR COIN 2: you will find it easily by continuing in the level.
STAR COIN 3: Once you reach the boss door, go over and jump next to the wall. A hidden brick will appear that will allow you to get to the third star coin.