The long crossing of our "half yokai", inside the menacing world of Nioh 2 of Team Ninja proceeds quickly. After having somehow had time to breathe, thanks to the far from impossible fight against Imagawa Yoshimoto, the game takes care to remind everyone to be truly terrible, quickly forcing us into a really difficult fight, especially considering the fact to find themselves in the initial hours of the adventure.
All those who have already tried the demo will know well the fearsome enemy in question: the Kamaitcahi, one of the most difficult and unpredictable opponents of the whole game. Were you unable to get the best of it? Don't worry: we'll take care of it!
Kamaitachi: appearance and origins
In Nioh 2 the Kamaitachi is a yokai with the appearance of a large cat, capable of moving in the wind with extreme rapidity, so much so that the key to getting out of a fight with it alive is to predict its next move. According to tradition, it is a creature capable of riding the winds and tearing its victims to pieces with sharp gusts of wind and it is thought that the wind itself is in some places infested by this yokai, so much so that the word "kamaitachi" is often used to refer to the reels themselves. In Shikoku region it is also called "Nogama”(“ Ferocious scythe ”, in Japanese) due to the belief that an abandoned scythe after using it to clean weeds from a sin gravestone can transform into this yokai.
It is said that the victims of the Kamaitachi do not immediately notice that they have been attacked as this yokai would not immediately leave obvious marks. In Tokai region it is believed to suck the blood away from the victims so as not to leave them a chance to escape, while in the Hida region there are thought to be three deities attacking as one (the first knocks the victim to the mat, the second tears him apart, and the third applies an ointment to stop the bleeding).
Main attacks:
The clash with Kamaitachi will not be the easiest, especially in the early stages of your adventure. The enemy is very fast and moderately, but has some "dead moments" in his movements that you can easily use to your advantage. First, let's talk about his moves. His first combo is a series of moves performed with the two legs, the tail and occasionally accompanied by a cyclone on the final very similar to those used by Enenra. Another of his moves sees him raise his head and unleash a gust of wind towards you, absolutely to be avoided (dodging sideways or parrying). Then when you see Kamaitachi climbing trees get ready, why it will throw a gust of wind and then immediately rush towards you, attacking you.
Another one of his attacks is the one that simply sees him coming at you rolling very fast on himself. Try to parry everything, since dodging these moves is not exactly easy, and also Kamaitachi after attacking will give you time to recover your ki. The moment it lights up red and you can perform the Explosive Counterattack you can use the specific counter or move to the left to avoid the enemy's attack. When in Nioh 2 the Kamaitachi enters the Dark Realm, simply try to survive: Block and dodge using trees whenever possible, hit him even if you feel safe, but try to stay on the defensive. Mind one thing: trees, contrary to what it might seem, do not block all boss attacks (for example, hits made with the tail).
Tips for attack and various vulnerabilities
In Nioh 2 Kamaitachi does not present particular vulnerabilities, but the battle becomes much easier if you use weapons with a high range, such as the spear. The boss is quick and it is not easy to be close to him, so you should be able to hit it as quickly as possible, without having to waste time getting close. Preferably attack him when he finishes executing his leg and tail combo or the attack where he rolls through the air towards you. Also, do this only if the boss is in your vicinity, because if you start running on him he will have time to attack you again.
You don't have to use long combos, just hit him a few times and try to recover ki. In fact, it becomes highly advisable to always manage to parry his blows, because it is not easy to dodge them and also some cannot be avoided in this way. Try to use the trees as protection by always keeping your guard up, since, we reiterate, not all of his attacks are blocked by them. Always attack him as we have explained to you and for the rest of the battle be cautious, do not rush, because he could prove to be your worst enemy. With these precautions, you will see that Kamaitachi will be yours in no time at all.
final Thoughts
In Nioh 2 the Kamaitachi is a fast, agile, aggressive enemy, capable of putting the player in great difficulty thanks to these elements, often perfectly combined in a series of attacks that are difficult to dodge. Fortunately, as in all games of the genre, once you have learned the patterns and especially after having stocked up on patience and dedication, you will be able to get the better of the obstinate, but at the same time splendid, animal, the "sovereign" absolute of a forest teeming with horrors of all sorts.
difficulties: 3/5
Appearance: 3,5/5
Thematic inspiration: 5/5
Overall rating: 4/5
► Nioh 2 is an Action-RPG type game developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 13/03/2020