Nioh 2's vast array of skill trees can be very confusing. Too much choice can be frustrating if not counterproductive, but we are here to help you with our experience by listing the best skills in the Team Ninja adventure.
While there is no definitive build for the game, some skills are more useful than others in all situations. There are four basic skill trees that almost all characters will use: Samurai, Shiftling, Ninja e Onmyo Magic.
The rest of the specific skill trees for each weapon depend on personal preference. People often forget to use equipped skills in the clamor of battle, and there is a lot of focus on weapon skills.
However, for weapons such as ax, thunder and hatchet it is necessary to have proactive skills to overcome the weaknesses of the chosen weapon. For example, with these three weapons, there are abilities that cover the ground or attack quickly to compensate for the reduced attack range.
The best Ninja skills in Nioh 2
Running Water: this is the best skill in the game. It comes in three varieties and you should acquire them all. Running Water triggers a surge of ki when dodging an attack at the right moment. This is very important for maintaining stamina and in boss fights, especially in the Dark and Yokai realms.
Realm Purify Yokai: When fighting the Yokai, purification of the ki pulsations will be performed constantly. The mid-position defense buff can save in a split second, so this skill is very useful.
The best moving skills in Nioh 2
Demonic abilities la demonic destruction, demonic tenacity and demonic discipline are no problem when it comes to skill. Discipline extends the duration of Yokai Shift in general, while destruction and tenacity reduce penalties for spammed attacks.
Yokai Within: il Yokai kingdom is not the best. If you don't pay attention to ki, you risk running out of it quickly. To prevent this from happening, perhaps just as you are about to finish a boss with a final blow, you can use Yokai Within to cancel the ki recovery penalty.
Dark Within: the same as above, but applied to the dark realm.
How to get a Ninja or Onmyo Magic skill point
It's okay to diversify the character build to include Ninjutsu and Onmyo Magic, but how to get the first skill point in each skill isn't clear at all.
Without the first skill point, the level points that can be spent only for Magic or Dexterity are good only for decreasing the damage of Switchglaive or Kusarigama.
To acquire the first skill point in Ninjutsu or Onmyo Magic you must use consumable items dropped by enemies or found in chests. There are two main ways to do this.
The hardest method is to use Ninja Locks or Onmyo Wizard Locks, which can be found all over the world or complete Dojo challenges. But the simplest way is to spam bombs, talismans and amulets.
In the tab of items that can be used in the inventory, some items are marked with a shuriken or paper icon: these are ninjutsu and onmyo items.
To get a ninjutsu skill point soon, you can spam gunpowder bombs from your inventory.
To quickly get an onmyo skill point, you need to look for talismans or amulets marked with a paper icon. These are often sold in the Kodama Bazaar on the shrines tab. "Make an Offer", "Travel Amulet", "Signpost Amulet" and "Visitor Amulet" will not work.
The best Ninja and Ninjutsu skills in Nioh 2
Cluster bombs le Normal and upgraded cluster bombs are of great use. Not only does the normal version do enough damage, but the upgraded version will set enemies on fire. Whether it's a boss, a tough or hard-to-reach enemy, bombs deserve to be picked up.
Quick-change: as in the first Nioh, Quick-Change is a revelation. These scrolls allow you to survive a blow that would normally be lethal.
These are very effective especially against bosses who have a tendency to bring out a combo that can kill instantly.
Onmyo's best magical abilities in Nioh 2
Talismans of purification and elementals: all the basic talismans are scattered in different places in the game, so it wouldn't hurt to have access to all of them. Purification helps reduce the ki of the Yokai, leaving them open to grapples and staggering when using a burst counterattack.
Aquatic and amphibious enemies don't like electricity very much, while enemies like Ippon-Datara and Wheelmonks are weak at water damage. Virtually anything that isn't soggy or already on fire can be damaged with damage over time.
Pure Heaven Cursed Earth: rather than a magical technique, this is a useful buff that extends the reach of purifications. This works very well with the Shrine Maiden armor which restores the purification bar. To consider.
Sloth Talisman: this is an absolute must for almost any character. Sloth magic greatly slows an enemy's movement speed, leaving them open to counterattack or simply making it easier to dodge their attacks.
Works on almost all enemies in Nioh 2, including bosses. If you find a particularly difficult enemy, a sloth attack offers a short window to orient yourself.
It's most likely a little nerf compared to the first Nioh, but it's still very good. However, it makes the timing of burst counterattacks much slower, so it's best to dodge them.
Talismans of Rejuvenation: if there is a fundamental truth in Nioh 2 it is that you never have too much care. Talismans of Rejuvenation allow you to regain small amounts of health over time, which can mean the difference between life and death in a boss battle.
► Nioh 2 is an Action-RPG type game developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 13/03/2020