Getting what you need isn't very difficult. Horizon Zero Dawn can be best undertaken through some tips and tricks that will make you enjoy the experience of the game without major problems. Let's see how to get rare goods!
When trying to enlarge the space in which you keep items, be sure to increase the capacity of the resource bag as quickly as possible. This will allow you to carry more items that can be turned into ammo, bargaining chips for merchants, or barter for better weapons. The more loot you have, the better.
One of the main features of Horizon Zero Dawn is the ability to create everything we need based on the crafting system made available by the game. For example, if you need a Trampler Heart for a piece of equipment you have your eye on, you can highlight it from the merchant and activate a quest to find it. At that point the map will give you the closest point where you might be able to find one. Use this option regularly whenever you try to upgrade your equipment.
Animal parts: skins and bones
These are some of the hardest pieces to create in the entire game. The drop rate of animal skin is low and, in most cases, you will find meat and bones. Whenever you see an animal wandering around, kill it. Here's how you have to deal with anything that can get you a good booty, especially when it comes to game. Fish bones are hard to find because you spend very little time in the water. You will have to expressly go hunting for fish if you want to find the parts that compose them.
Crystal Braiding
Obtained from: Rockbreaker, Behemoth, Stormbird, Thunderjaw, Deathbringer
Go to the places where the map has a car symbol. Corrupted machines tend to leave more succulent loot, keep that in mind.
Machine Hearts
Obtained from: (depending on the machine)
Again, look on the map for places where you can get them. If you find a corrupt zone, try there, corrupt machines are more profitable.
Desert Glass
Obtained from: Humans
Towards the end of the game, you will have so many that you don't know what to do with it. Head to the bandit camps to get them.
Luminous Braiding
Obtained from: Sawtooth, Longleg, Shell0Walker, Fire Bellowback, Freeze Bellowback, Trampler, Ravager, Snapmaw, Stalker, Corruptor
Slagshine Glass
Obtained from: Humans
Like Desert Glass, Slagshine Glass is found on the bodies of bandits. You can farm them by visiting the fields along the map.
Machine Core - Medium
Obtained: Sawtooth, Longleg, Shell-Walker, Fire Bellowback, Trampler, Ravager, Snapmaw, Stalker, Corruptor
Machine Core - Great
Obtained from: Rockbreaker, Behemoth, Stormbird, Thunderjaw, Deathbringer
For machine cores, look on the map where specific machines can be found. Go and start hunting. There is a very good chance that you will be able to get what you are looking for.