In this guide we explain how to get the best ending in Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, which is no small feat given the amount of crossroads to overcome with the right choices and a fair amount of quests to complete. Unfortunately, there are no ways to understand within the game which of these side quests are necessary to unlock the ending in question, but we are here for this and we report the name of the missions and how to do them.
Premise: Being able to navigate with confidence between the various time nodes within the Standard and Alternative history, we recommend that you undertake these missions once you reach the final stage of the game, in order to have all the prerequisites - generally speaking - and an excellent average level of the party to face any battles. You will find that you have reached that portion of the game when the two stories intersect in a single course of events. Another reason why we advise you to undertake these missions at the end is due to the fact that you will often have to repeat certain parts of the game, which however you could skip as they have already been seen at least once. Of course, you may read plot spoilers, we warned you!
- At Journey's End - Alternative Story
Use Historia and choose the “Echoing Hills” time node and keep playing it until you have a decision before you. Choose "Let's go save her now". After that, go to the time node "A Meeting too late" and play it until you are asked a question to which you must answer "I leave it to you". Finally, use Historia again and head to the “Battle for Skalla” node and play normally, saving the Gutrals from the soldiers. After the rescue mission, talk to Marco and you will be given the “At Journey's End” quest, but don't worry. You have actually already completed the mission, just go talk to Raynie and choose the option "You can't give up". Return to Marco to receive an item and complete the quest.
Note: you can repeat the operation and answer Raynie differently to unlock a bad ending.
- Beast God's Birth - Alternative Story
Choose the time node "Battle for Skalla" and complete the portion of the game until you find yourself in the Forge. Visit the elder in the northern hut and accept his request. Proceed to the “Flux War” time node and exit to the World Map to head to Gran Plain SE. Go to the southwest section of the plain to find a tomb (it's simply a cross made from wood) and interact with it. To conclude the quest you will finally have to do a rewind to "Battle for Skalla" and repeat the events. Back in the Forge, talk to the village elder again and choose the second option (the first will lead to a Bad Ending).
- Wandering Soul - Alternative History
Use Historia to reach the time node "The Beastkind Forest" and skip the events until you find yourself with Vanoss in front of Celestia's item shop. Accept his request and head to the “A New Alliance” node and continue it until you reach Skalla. Reach the house in the far north and you will notice something shining near the bed inside the room. Once this is done, head to the “The Battle for Skalla” node and continue playing the events until you have freed the Gutrals. Head to the northwest area of the city and talk to Vanoss to complete the quest. You will also receive the Cleansing Cape.
- A Letter to Tomorrow - Alternative History
Head to the very first time node in Alternative history. You will be in Alistel and need to go to the "Second Ward Area" to find a man in the lower left corner of the map. Accept his request and head to the time node "The Valkyrie" to find yourself at Sand Fortress, where you will have to talk to Viola. Use Historia and finally head to the “Alistel's Offensive” node and interact with Alistel's Valkyrie again to receive a document written by her. Bring the document to the man who gave you the quest to Alistel to complete the request and receive the Noah Amulet.
- Red Letter Day - Alternative History
As in the previous quest, head to the first time node. At Alistel's castle, go underground and go to the room next to Sonja's medical office to receive the quest from a researcher. She will tell you that Sonja has been acting strange lately, so go into the next room and talk to her. Once you discover that the problem is Rosch, you just have to use Historia to go even further back, precisely to the prologue, before the decisive crossroads. Talk to Rosch and ignore the possibility of siding with him, but talk to her about Sonja. After a series of dialogues you will have a choice to make, answer "Follow her”To Rosch to complete the quest. If you want to unlock a bad ending you can answer differently if you repeat the time node.
- An Unwanted Reunion - Main Story
Head to the “Scorching Battlefield” node. Exit the inn and head to the town entrance to find Ricky to whom you will need to speak to receive the quest. Go to the pub in the north-east of the city and talk to the green-haired NPC on the left (he will reveal his name is Mimel, an acquaintance of Marco). Now use Historia to head to the Chi-Clad Warrior node and head back to the pub again to talk to the bartender. He will give you an item and ask you to give it to Mimel. Use Historia a third time to return to the Scorching Battlefield node and go to Mimel's in the pub again for a long scene with her and Marco. At the crossroads choose "Let Mimel Go”To complete the quest once the scene is over and returned to Ricky. You can repeat the event and choose the alternative option to unlock a Bad Ending
- Assassination of Dias - Main Story
Use Historia and choose the “Pierre's Betrayal” node to find yourself in Granorg. Go to the town entrance and talk to the man to get the quest. Head to the Aht's Prayer time node and walk from there to Granorg. Head to the inn and go up to the first floor, then enter the room on the left where you will find Dias. Talk to him and return to the man at the Granorg entrance to receive the Rose Ring and complete the quest.
- Mankind & Beastkind - Main Story
Visit Granorg by choosing the first time node available. In the central square you will find a soldier on the left to whom you must speak to activate the quest. Taking the west side of the city and climbing the stairs at the top left you will find Liese. Talk to her and then tell the soldier what he told you. Head to the first time node in Chapter 6 to visit the forest that leads the way to the Forge. You will meet Liese in the depths of the dungeon, proceed east, talk to her and then return to the forest entrance to find a dead soldier. Interact with him to get a letter and then go back to Liese to talk to her. After the half-human, half-beast girl leaves, return to the Duty Revealed time node. Without speaking to the soldier, go to the place where you first spoke to Liese in Granorg. Give her the letter you took earlier and choose the option "Believe in him”To finish the quest once you return to the soldier at the entrance to Granorg. You will also receive the Promised Knife, weapon for Aht. You can repeat the quest and choose the different option to unlock a Bad Ending.
- What Was Inherited - Main Story
Using Historia, head to the “To Granorg” node and talk to the two children to the right of Alistel's weapon shop to activate the quest. Talk to their father who lives in the house located in the Northeast of the same area to find out his problem. Go back to Historia and head to the "The Resistance" node to find yourself in Granorg. From here, go to the west square of the city and talk to the two greengrocers for new information. Head to Cornet Village using the first time node available from Historia and talk to the man slightly north of the entrance to continue the quest. Go back to the “To Granorg” node and talk to the father of the children. When asked by him, you decide not to reveal the information provided by the man from Cornet Village. Strange as it may seem to you, to complete the quest you will have to return a third time to the same node as before, return to the man you just spoke to, but this time reveal the information received from the Cornet Village resident.
- The King's Daughter - Main Story
Use Historia to reach the “To Granorg” node. Head to the little girl west of the save point by climbing the stairs and unlock the quest. Move to the “Duty Revealed” time node and talk to the man at the counter of the item shop to get information on the ring. Use Historia again to go to the “The Resistance” node. From there, go to West Granorg and talk to Eruca (she is the hooded girl under the tree). After the dialogue, choose the option "Fulfill her Duty”To avoid a Bad Ending and receive his ring. Return to the girl in Alistel using Historia and choosing "To Granorg" as the time node to complete the last quest and receive the "Rabbit's Foot" accessory.
Without the aforementioned quests, which however should not represent any difficulty at this point of the game, use Historia and head to the node where the Main Story and the Alternative Story converge, defeat the final enemy again.
Note: At the very end of the events you will be asked a question, your answer will only affect a final speech by Stocke with the two guardians of Historia, but not the ending itself. Prepare the tissues and witness the true ending of Radiant Historia!
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is available on Nintendo 3ds. You can read our review on this page.
► Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is a JRPG type game developed by ATLUS and published by Deep Silver for Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 29/06/2017
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 89%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology