Here is the guide to the endings outlined directly by the Co-Founder of Oddworld Inhabitants.
Released just today, Oddworld: Soulstorm is the new title published by Oddworld Inhabitants, available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC and also on PlayStation 5. Same Lorne Lanning, Co-Founder and Creative Director of the game development team, explained what different endings you can get in the title and how they are unlockable.
Basic Oddworld: Soulstorm has 15 levels to which two other unlockable levels are added, the important thing is to be good at safeguarding the Mudokons. You get to have 17 levels in total, at the end of which each of them will make you get a Quarma score, which is based on the amount of Mudokons you have saved.
You won't need to save any Mudokons to progress through the story and complete the basic 15 levels, but you will have to save at least 80% in the single level to do a good job and get the score needed to unlock levels 16 and 17. Below you can find the complete list of the different endings to know what to aim for and how to get it:
Worst Final - Save 80% of Mudokons in 6 levels or less.
Bad ending- Save 80% of Mudokons in 7-11 levels.
Good ending - Save 80% of Mudokons in 12 or more levels. This will unlock an additional cutscene and access to levels 16 and 17.
Complete Final - Save 80% of the Mudokons in all 17 levels.
This concludes our short guide to the endings of Oddworld: Soulstorm, a new title published by Oddworld Inhabitants, available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC and PlayStation 5.
► Oddworld: Soulstorm is an Adventure-Action-type game developed and published by Oddworld Inhabitants for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PlayStation 5, the video game was released on 31/12/2020