The title developed by Spike Chunsoft dedicated to Saitama, the character created by One, has been available for a few days, but it seems that One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows has not fully convinced, as can also be seen from our review.
Taking a quick look at the One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows starting roster, you will soon realize that it will be necessary to arm yourself with patience to unlock all the characters, including the protagonist Saitama: in this simple guide we find out how to get all the heroes available.
In One Punch Man we will have to unlock 28 characters divided between 20 heroes and 8 mysterious beings who will compete in the 11 available stages with their peculiar abilities. Standard fighters will be Silverfang, Dolcetto Mask and Spatent Rider; Mazza Metallica and Atomic Samurai will be characters of the "Weapon" type; Tempesta and her sister Tornado instead use the power of the "Psychic" type; there will therefore be weaker characters such as the various Tank Tops who fight using the "Power" type. Finally there will be the three different attack styles of the "Machine" type: one is the android style used by Genos, the second is represented by Imperatorino and his backpack, and finally the one used by the mighty Metal Knight.
Some characters will make an appearance in the title but will not be usable, such as King, and both heroes and mysterious beings will be divided into various classes, as happens in the manga and anime of One Punch Man. The heroes will therefore go from Class C to S while the mysterious beings will be divided into the levels of Tiger, Demon or Dragon calamity (the latter will be the most fearsome).
Saitama will be in class and will be selectable only as a third member of the team, arriving late for the fight. Once on the battlefield he will do what he does best, which is to be completely immune to damage and defeat anyone with a single punch.
Having made the necessary premises and presented the roster, let's get to the heart of One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows and see how to unlock all the characters, in order of appearance:
- Tank Top Tiger - Class C - Hero: Available from the start.
- Tank Top Blackhole - Class B - Hero: Available from the start.
- Crab - Tiger Calamity Level - Mysterious Being: Available from the start.
- Tank Top Master - S-Class - Hero: Unlockable after the first story missions.
- Silverfang - S Class - Hero: Unlockable immediately after continuing with the story missions.
- Mustachioed spring - Class A - Hero: unlockable by continuing with the story
- Stinger - Class A - Hero: After unlocking Mustachio, Stinger will appear as a character on the map, talk to him to get a side mission and be able to unlock him as a reward.
- Vaccine Man - Dragon Calamity Level - Mysterious Being: Defeat him in story mode to unlock him.
- Dolcetto Mask - Class A - Hero: After defeating Vaccine Man, a secondary mission will appear in the central area outside the third east building labeled “Sweets”, complete it to unlock it.
- Spatent Rider - Class C - Hero: Help him stop a pickpocket in the main story.
- Metallic Mace - S-Class - Hero: Unlockable by defeating monsters following the furniture store unlock in the main story mode
- Mosquito Girl - Demon Calamity Level - Mysterious Being: Unlockable by defeating her in the main story mode
- Genos - Class S - Hero: after defeating Mosquito Girl you will find a special mission dedicated to Genos to the association of heroes. Complete it to unlock it.
- Saitama - Class ?? - Hero: when you reach class B in story mode you will get a "social" mission dedicated to Saitama that will allow you to unlock him.
- Pri-Pri-Prisoner - S Class - Hero: will appear on the map after unlocking the southern shopping street. Talk to him so you can take on a mission and unlock it.
- Hellstorm - Class B - Hero: it will be possible to obtain it via the main story after unlocking the southern shopping street.
- Terrible tornado - S-Class - Hero: After clearing the Storm part of the main story, a Special Mission will be available at the Hero Association Headquarters to unlock it.
- Asura Scarabeo - Dragon Calamity Level - Mysterious Being: Unlockable after beating the main mission “Monitor the House of Evolution.
- Atomic Samurai - Class S - Hero: after the House of Evolution there will be a special mission at the Headquarters of the Heroes Association, overcoming it you will unlock it.
- Imperatorino - S-Class - Hero: After your first fight with Sonic, you can talk to him in the Hero Association HQ lobby to unlock him.
- Sneck - Class A - Hero: Unlockable in post-combat missions with Sonic.
- Sonic - Calamity level? - Enemy / Mysterious Being: to unlock it, face it again after a Special Mission appears following the first fight.
- Metal knight - Class S - Hero: unlockable via a Special Mission present at the Hero Association HQ after the fight with Sonic.
- King of the Abyss - Demon Calamity Level - Mysterious Being: Will be unlocked after defeating him twice in Story mode.
- Melzargard - Dragon Calamity Level - Mysterious Being: Will be unlocked after defeating him twice in Story Mode.
- Lord Boros - Dragon Calamity Level - Mysterious Being: Defeat him in story mode fights to unlock him.
- Saitama (Dream world) - Class? - Hero: Complete the game to unlock it.
Finally, remember that if you want to face One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows with a "normal" Saitama you will have to complete the game and unlock the "World of Dreams" mode. Basically it will have the exact same moves as the standard version of Saitama, but the damage you will do and suffer will be standard (in any case, using it will be really satisfying).
► One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows is a fighting game developed by Spike Chunsoft and published by Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/02/2020
One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows is a game that we recommend only to true fans of the genre: we decided to evaluate it with a 60%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows