Person 5 Royal is a fairly gigantic title, which can put in difficulty those who are beginners with the management of Social Dowries, Confidants and more. The purpose of this guide is in fact to help you, thanks to our advice, to take advantage of Akira's free time in the best way. in order to maximize the Confidants, the Social Dowries and to better prepare for Palazzi and Memento.
Professor Kawakami and her skills
Getting Kawakami's Confidant to the max is one of your top priorities. This Confidant will be available around June after an event with Mishima and Ryuji. Just use the Leblanc pay phone to meet Kawakami, for the modest sum of 5.000 yen per visit. Kawakami will not be available during the month of August and your aim is to try to bring his Confidant to at least rank 8, or when you will be entrusted with a quest to the Memento on behalf of the teacher.
Once you start school again, focus on bringing your Confidant to the max, as thanks to that Kawakami will give Akira a massage in the evening whenever he and his group went to the Memento or a Palace. This will allow you to go out freely in the evening, even if you have been on a mission during the day. In the fall it will be important to focus on Confidants available only in the evening, such as Hifumi, Iwai, Ohya, Chiyaya and Akechi. Therefore, always having free at night - except for plot reasons - will prove particularly useful. Alternatively, you can use this free time to raise your Social skills. Finally, Kawakami can also replace Akira in the preparation of infiltration tools and for washing used clothes found in the Memento.
Sunday juices
Every Sunday of the calendar, a juice is available at the Shibuya Underpass. The cost is 5.000 yen, but it allows you to increase a social dowry of a note without the passing of time. The social dowry that will be increased varies according to the juice, it is important to emphasize that if you do not drink the juice you will find the same the following Sunday. So try to make sure you spend there every week, day or night. If the cost of juice scares you in the early stages, don't hesitate to sell whatever you don't need, as raising social skills has a certain priority, especially when compared to money.
Free time at the Leblanc
Anyone who has played Persona 5 will know that when you explore the Memento or infiltrate the Palaces on the evening of that day, you won't be able to do anything but go to rest (with the exception of Kawakami's help). Also abolish this rule in Persona 5 Royal, as despite the explorations it will be possible to dabble in home activities. However, it will not be possible to go out and increase Confidants, but you can dedicate yourself to increasing social skills by watching DVDs, playing video games or reading books. You can also prepare infiltration tools to support you in future explorations and increase your Expertise at the same time. Alternatively, you can prepare recovery items by cooking Curry or making Coffee, or work out in the room to increase Akira's maximum HP and SP. Taking care of the plant in your room will increase Kindness based on the fertilizer used and without time passing. We advise you to spare no expense and get the mega fertilizer, the most expensive, at the florist open only in the evening in Shinjuku.
The right Arcanum for the right Confidant
It is particularly useful to have a Person in the stock that corresponds to that of the Confidant with whom we want to raise the rank. For example, if we want to go out with Ryuji, of the arcane Chariot, it would be appropriate to have a Person of the same Arcane to give a boost to the notes relating to the rank of the Confidant. The increment is usually one more note for each correct answer. Therefore, you should take as many Persona as possible and make good use of the compendium.
Kill two birds with one stone
Occasionally there will be some events or options that allow you to increase multiple social skills at the same time or perhaps a social skill and a Confidant. Usually these are events where you will be invited by your teammates to study with them. This increases the Knowledge by a couple of notes and also raises the bond with the Confidants who go to the same school as Akira. Other invitations from Confidants in general can lead to a 3-party meeting, where you will raise the bond with 2 Confidants.
In the more advanced stages of the game you could consider spending several evenings at the Jazz Club to fortify the persona of a companion and increase the bond with him, or play darts or billiards in Kichijoji. Playing darts raises the rank of the relay between Akira and the chosen character (you can invite only one partner, but two others will be chosen randomly and you can play with them too), while billiards increases the affinity with all the Phantom Thieves. Both activities increase Akira's Expertise. Some Confidants also increase some of Akira's social skills when Akira interacts with them. Takemi raises Courage, Sojiro and Shinya the Kindness, Hifumi the Knowledge and Yoshida the Charm.
Using the Memento in the right way
If in Persona 5 the Memento was not a place to spend a lot of time, except for Mishima's requests and a little grinding, in Persona 5 Royal has great potential that will save you hours of grinding or farming and make it easier for you to run. It is a question of exploiting the knowledge of the Memento thanks to Jose thanks also to the Reset system. What I recommend in the first place is to change your knowledge to favor your experience and amount of drops, leaving the money factor on the sidelines and the reason is actually very simple. Experience is fundamental in a JRPG, there is no doubt, but the reason why you want to be of a high level or at least higher than the Shadows of the Memento you can find out in more detail in this general guide on the Memento. A larger amount of drops will be particularly useful if you want to make infiltration tools, or just make money selling the swag to Iwai.
The best time to start breeding stamps for Jose would be after completing the fourth palace, in order to have more areas of the Memento that can be explored and to be able to collect about fifty stamps, enough to implement this strategy. Finally, we suggest you accumulate as many requests as possible through Mishima or Confidants, in order to dedicate only one afternoon to the Memento. The requests made by Mishima happen for reasons related to the plot or to the simple passage of the calendar, while others will be requests for help from your Confidants outside the band of Phantom Thieves. Usually, these requests occur between the 7th and 9th rank of that Confidant, so try to match them with other tasks that require you to go inside the Memento.
Books of all kinds
Books are a great source of grinding for social skills. The places of interest to you are the Shujin library, the Shinjuku and Central Street (Shibuya) libraries and the Jinbocho one, unlockable by going out with Hifumi or reading a magazine obtainable in Shibuya. The library allows you to borrow books dedicated to the creatures or characters from which your teammates' Personas take inspiration, so you will unlock a new book with each new entry in Phantom Thieves. Each book increases a social gift by two notes and requires two fractions of a day to complete.
Among these books, you can also get Quick Read, a particularly useful book that doubles Akira's reading speed, allowing him to waste just an afternoon or evening completing a book. In Shibuya it is possible to buy books that increase social skills, but also magazines that unlock new tourist destinations for going out with friends. The Shinjuku bookshop is instead totally focused on books that allow Akira to perform some activities more efficiently, such as activating the Third Eye during the fishing, darts and baseball minigames, but also how to benefit more from watching movies or DVDs. .
Complete the Palaces in a single fraction of the day
It's not really hard at all, but it can save you a lot of time. To make sure you can complete the Palaces in a single afternoon, we recommend that you stock up on SP reset items. Take advantage of the drink dispensers to have different drinks that can increase a few but precious SP and use them out of the battle. Once you get Makoto in the party you will have two healers, leave her or Ann out of the fight party and use the HP restore spells with anyone who is not on your roster.
In Persona 5 Royal the Seeds of Greed are also featured, fragments that allow the player to obtain a particular accessory inherent to the Palace that is being faced. Finding these seeds (there are 3 for the Palace) is not difficult but must be obtained before the completion of the Palace. Each time a Seed of Greed is gained, several SPs are restored throughout the party.
We hope this guide has helped you get started with Persona 5 Royal at the right pace!
► Persona 5 Royal is an Adventure-RPG game developed and published by ATLUS for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 31/03/2020
Persona 5 Royal is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 98%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Persona 5 Royal review