As the days pass, new details are discovered regarding the latest substantial update of Pokémon Go: from Friday night the second generation of Pokémon is available in the mobile title created by Nintendo in collaboration with Niantic, and after figuring out how to get Umbreon and Espeon and how to evolve some old Pokémon, now is the time to tackle the thorny egg topic.
This guide will show you indeed as many kilometers as necessary to hatch eggs in Pokémon Go after adding the over 80 creatures from the region of Johto.
With the advent of the second generation, Niantic has increased not only the number of monsters available by exploring the world around us but also those that "are born" from eggs, but leaving unchanged the mode of hatching. As we all know by now, it will be necessary first of all to obtain eggs from any Pokéstop present in the game map, insert them into the appropriate incubator and finally travel a certain amount of kilometers to ensure that they hatch.
The incubator with infinite uses always remains one, the egg slots are nine and the mileage bands three or 2 km, 5 km e 10 km. In the table below you will find not only the second generation Pokémon but also the first ones: in fact some have been moved to the area making it easier to obtain than in the past.
2 km eggs | Ledyba | Cubone | Swinub |
Bulbasaur | Pichu | Lickitung | Corsola |
Charmander | Cleffa | Koffing | Houndour |
Squirtle | Igglybuff | Rhyhorn | Phanpy |
Caterpie | Togepi | Tangela | Stantler |
Weedle | Aipom | Horse | Tyrogue |
Spearow | Misdreavus | Staryu | Smoochum |
Ekans | Slugma | Scyther | Elekid |
Nidoran ♀ | Remoraid | Pinsir | Magby |
Nidoran | 5 km eggs | Eevee | Voltorb |
Zubat | Sandshrew | Porygon | 10 km eggs |
Oddish | vulpix | Omanyte | Chansey |
Venonat | Stop | Kabuto | Lapras |
Diglett | Meowth | Chinchou | Aerodactyl |
Open | Psyduck | Natu | Snorlax |
Machop | Mankey | Marill | Dratini |
Bellsprout | Growlithe | Hoppip | Mareep |
Geodude | Poliwag | Sunkern | Sudowoodo |
Slowpoke | Tentacool | Yanma | Pineco |
Gastly | Ponyta | Wooper | Gligar |
Krabby | Magnemite | Murkrow | Heracross |
Exeggcute | Doduo | Wobbuffet | Mantine |
Goldeen | Seel | Dusparce | Scarmory |
Magikarp | Grimer | Snubbull | Miltank |
Chikorita | Shellder | Qwilfish | Larvitar |
Cyndaquil | Onix | Shuckle | |
Totodile | Drowzee | Sneasel |
If you need to know more details on the gameplay of Pokémon Go, Epic Videogames Guide has already addressed the issues related to how to catch Ditto and how many candies are necessary for the evolution of the first generation Pokémon.
We just have to wish you a good brood, but remembering that if you want additional incubators you will unfortunately have to shell out 150 gold coins, about 1,50€ in the real world, and that the regional Pokémon of America, Asia ed Australia as not obtainable in Europe.