The latest update of Pokémon Go brought with it many new features including the Star Piece. Beyond that though, Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company finally have introduced the Weather System which actively affects not only the type of Pokémon that appear in the game world, but also the catch bonuses and their power.
This new mechanic is not immediate to understand and a little practice is needed to make the most of it: this guide will then help you to master the new Weather System.
The Weather System is divided into six different states, each capable of increasing the appearance of specific types of Pokémon in the surrounding area, and varies according to real-world weather forecasts. In addition to this it also increases the catch bonuses for that type and also enhances its stats.
But let's see what these bonuses are:
- Increases the appearance of Pokémon of a specific type (Fire, Rock, Ghost, etc.)
- Increase experience and Stardust bonuses for catching them
- It also increases the Battle Point and IV stats of the favored-type Pokémon
- Moves of the weather-favored type have a damage bonus
- Raid Bosses of the advantaged type have higher Battle Points at the time of capture
The bonuses are really many and if well exploited they allow you to get really great advantages. In detail, however, what are these six weather states? What types do they power up? Let's find out.
- Fog: upgrades Dark and Ghost
- Clear / Sun: upgrades Grass, Earth, Fire
- Snow: Upgrade Grass, Steel
- Rain: upgrades Water, Electro, Beetle
- Wind: upgrades Dragon, Flight, Psycho
- Partially Nuvoloso: power up Normal, Rock

Thanks to LeekDuck.com for the image
An ever-evolving Pokémon Go game, which now acquires a whole new dimension thanks to the Weather System. Being able to take full advantage of it is not easy, but with this guide, you now have all the information you need to make the most of the world around you!