Have you already downloaded Pokémon Rumble Rush on your Android or iOS mobile device? Very well, in this short guide we will explain how to choose the Pokémon to get rid of.
In the screen of the Pokémon in your possession, just hold your finger on one of them to select it and choose whether to send it to the Trainer Club: in practice it is like getting rid of it so as not to have the box too full. Getting rid of a Pokémon will earn us a paltry coin, but instead of going blind it is essential to carefully choose the pocket monsters to keep in your possession based on their skills and stats.
The ability of each of your Pokémon is distinguished by a type and a number of stars. You will certainly notice that by capturing many units of the same Pokémon, its ability will almost always be different. As in the main games of the saga, some types of moves are more or less effective against certain types of Pokémon (for example, water moves are super effective against fire Pokémon).
Having a wide variety of elements on the same Pokémon at your disposal will ensure that you can inflict Super Effective hits against any Super Boss you encounter during the adventure. The number of stars of the move indicates its power, and at the moment the highest number of stars we have found is 4. If you find a Pokémon with a 4-star move you better keep it, considering the fact that in several hours of play we have only found one and it is therefore a quite rare event.
Aside from the ability, in Pokémon Rumble Rush each Pokémon also has various stats such as its Battle Points, Attack, Defense, Health Points, and Critical Chance. When deciding which Pokémon to send to the Trainer Club, consider these stats as well and keep the best ones. Finally, some Pokémon have two slots to equip Power Gear. Focus on getting rid of monsters with just one slot rather than two, as each of these slots makes a huge difference to combat.
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If you want a guide on how to upgrade your Power Kits, click here.