If you too have downloaded Pokémon Rumble Rush on your Android or iOS device and are looking for tips on how to best face the adventure, in this short guide we will explain how to optimize the processing of minerals.
Gears are crucial for powering up the Pokémon you catch. The only way to get Gear is to get Minerals, which drop randomly at the end of a stage. As with many free-to-play games, working with these minerals takes time, sometimes a lot. The longer the processing of a mineral, the better the rewards we will find within it. Clicking on a mineral's Details button will show us which items you can get from it and in what percentage.
Try to avoid spending Gems to work the minerals of Pokémon Rumble Rush in a faster way, since usually spending the Premium coin as soon as a game is released is not a good idea, considering any features that the developers may insert in the future. Only one mineral can be processed at a time, but it is important to be patient. There are 30-minute, 3-hour, and 10-hour minerals. If you have to work a mineral for 10 hours, the ideal would be to queue it in the evening, before going to sleep. Those of 30 minutes and 3 hours are instead workable without major problems during the day, while you play or even while you are doing other things.
To make the most of your time, be sure to enable in-game notifications from the Options menu, so you will be notified as soon as a mineral has completed its processing.
If you want to know how to choose the Pokemon to get rid of, you can rely on this guide.
If you want a guide on how to upgrade your Power Kits, click here.