Sun Pokémon and Moon Pokémon will be on sale in a few hours, and while some already have a clear idea which of the two games Nintendo buy, others are still undecided. Perhaps this is due to the almost total non-existence of an explanation by the developers on the differences that will exist between the two versions. So here is a list of reasons to choose the Sun or the Moon, starting with the legendary creatures.
- Legendary Pokémon: In Pokémon Sun, the legendary creature will be Solgaleo, a sort of gigantic white lion of Psychic / Steel type (the first Pokémon ever seen with this pairing). In Luna instead the legendary will be the scary bat Lunala, Psychic / Ghost type. If it fascinates you more then one or the other, the choice will be easy!
- Exclusive Pokémon: Each Pokémon game usually has a dozen creatures that won't be present in the other, and vice versa. So if you are determined to discover the exclusive creatures of the Moon and Sun.
- Time differences: an interesting difference between the moon and the sun is the clock. In fact the time between the two versions is different, and Moon takes place 12 hours after the Sun. Therefore, during the night hours in the Moon you will see the sun, while during the daytime hours the moon. The opposite in Sole. In short, it seems a complicated thing but we will take hand with the release of the title!
- Exclusive tests: Don't expect a big change in history between the Sun and the Moon. They will in fact be strongly similar, if not for some small things concerning the tests on the islands, which replace the gym leaders. The dominant Pokémon in these tests may be different.
Here are the differences between Pokémon Sun and Moon, to try to help you choose one or the other title. There is a small conclusion to be made. Don't worry too much about making a wrong choice, because both titles tell the same story, have the same excellent mechanics and music.
You want to know more about Pokémon Sun and Moon? Here is a little guide on how to evolve the starters. Or would you like to see the entire Pokédex right away and learn how to use QR-Codes? Here is the guide for you! Finally, here's how to transfer the very strong Greninja from the Demo.