A guide on how to get the Gray Orb in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Pokémon Sword and Shield are not only the latest major games in the Pokémon series, but also two of the most played titles of all still today on the Nintendo Switch.
Thanks to the latest DLC, Game Freak has brought many Pokémon from previous titles into the game, including all the main legendaries. Through the dynamax adventure you will be able to meet a legendary Pokémon as the final "boss" which, if defeated, can be caught with a 100% catch rate..
Some legendaries, however, have two forms and to obtain the alternative form there is always a need for a particular tool. This is the case of Giratina who needs the Grigiosphere to pass to the original form. But how and where to find it? Read on to find out.
First, make sure you have purchased the Pokémon Sword and Shield expansion pass and that the game is updated to its latest version. After that, you'll need to have Giratina on your team - it doesn't matter if obtained via Dynamax Adventure or via Pokémon Home. At this point, head to the Latermore Occasion Market. Interact with the merchant who will be happy to give you the Greyosphere.
This was our guide on how to get the Gray Orb in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
And what do you prefer Giratina in? As always, we invite you to tell us in the comments.
► Pokémon Sword and Shield is an RPG type game developed by Game Freak and published by Game Freak Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 15/11/2019
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