Players Rainbow Six Siege officially entered Season 3, and with it they received the long-awaited Chimera Operation, which has finally released a PvE version of the co-op game called Outbreak, alongside the two new operators Lion and Finka; some of you will surely have started playing the aforementioned title recently, and landing on a competitive scenario so different from other shooter titles on the market can be quite complicated. Precisely for this reason today we want to talk to you about the best operators for all those who still have little experience with the Ubisoft title: obviously there is no fixed strategy to win every match, as there are many operators, and consequently different strategies and combinations of teams for every situation.
But without getting lost in chatter, let's move on to the operators!
Ash (Attack):
Let's start with Ash, one of the most versatile operators present in the game, but certainly more suitable for players who prefer a frenetic style of play: the aforementioned character has great speed, and is able to destroy the unreinforced walls of buildings with his M120 CREM gadget, very useful even with difficult defensive equipment, such as shields and barbed wire. Another reason to play Ash is his weapon, the R4-C, with a high rate of fire, truly lethal when properly equipped with a Reflex or Holographic sight.
Blackbeard (Attack)
We know very well that in the first hours of the game it will be difficult to survive, and for this reason we recommend an operator that can be used in the attack phases able to defend themselves properly. Blackbeard it is in fact equipped with a weapon, the Tars MK 0 that can be equipped with a front shield, able to parry some hits received by the opponents: after several bullets this will be destroyed, leaving us without protection. The main tip for playing Blackbeard is to repair the lower half of the body behind some objects in the maps, such as columns, desks and counters, and protect the upper half with your shield; if you manage to be fast and accurate you will be able to halve the opposing team, benefiting your team. In addition, Blackbeard has two other rifles, the Mk17 CQB and the SR-25 (great for ranged combat) and one of the most powerful guns in the game, the Desert Eagle.
Fuze (Attack)
Fuze is definitely one of the funniest operators to use in Rainbow Six Siege: this attacker is equipped with a peculiar gadget called the Cluster Charge. The charge can be placed on non-reinforced but above all destructible walls, and once activated it will release a series of grenades, which will force opponents to leave the target or die; besides, there are several ways to play Fuze, as it is equipped with an AK-12, a 6P41 LMG from 100 rounds and a ballistic shield. Yet it will take several games to learn how to use it to the fullest, as during the first hours of the game it will be easy to make mistakes, killing hostages or even your teammates with the Cluster Charge.
Hibana (Attack)
Hibana is undoubtedly one of the most appreciated soldiers by the entire community of the game, equipped with a Type-89 rifle and the SuperNova shotgun, as well as stun grenades and a Claymore (remember that it can kill opponents even from the slots used by drones ). It also comes with a gadget that, like Thermite, can break through reinforced walls: we're talking about the X-Kairos charge launcher. We advise you to play Hibana paired with Tatcher, as very often Bandit will be able to deactivate the offensive gadgets that can be used on the walls reinforced with its electric wire; Tatcher is able to deactivate the electrical barrier created by the defender, giving Hibana time to breach the enemy base.
Sledge (Attack)
Sledge is one of the operators who covers the role of demolition; in fact he can create openings inside the reinforced walls that defend the opposing base thanks to his hammer. However, the aforementioned gadget has no limited use, and if used disproportionately it will break; Furthermore, Sledge can rely on his L85A2 assault rifle, which can knock down your opponents with very few hits.
Thermite (Attack)
One of the operators available since the launch of the game, Thermite he is certainly one of the most useful attackers in the various offensive phases: thanks to his Exo-Thermal charge he will be able to destroy the reinforced walls of the opponents. Its equipment is also decidedly excellent, boasting an M1014 shotgun, which if used properly in short-range clashes is devastating and a 556xi rifle, fairly difficult to use, but which has a rather moderate recoil. As for Hibana, and for the same reason, we advise you to play it in duo with Tatcher.
Jäger (Defense)
Undoubtedly one of the strongest operators of the entire title, Hunter is the spearhead of every team in defense: the specialty of this operator, in fact, is to place 3 ADS (Active Defense System), capable of destroying the various objects thrown by the opponents, such as the different types of grenades, the explosive charges of Fuze, the explosive shells of Hibana and the charges launched by Ying. An excellent operator, especially if your goal is to defend the target from within. Jäger is equipped with an M870, a 416-C, a P12, barbed wire and a movable shield.
Bandit (Defense)
Together with Jäger, Bandit is the second German operator belonging to the circle of defenders: his gadget consists of 4 small black boxes capable of generating electricity, and consequently making the reinforced walls, areas covered by barbed wire and even the movable shields electric. Its equipment consists of an MP7, an M870, a P12, C4 and barbed wire.
Frost (Defense)
Operator belonging to JTF2, he is an extremely powerful defender, thanks to his traps: the latter allow to knock down an enemy if stepped on. For this Frost is one of the most useful operators for the defensive phases of the various matches, as his gadget forces the opposing team to change attack strategy: as if that were not enough, he can use a Super 90 shotgun, a 9mm C1, a MK1 9mm , movable shield, barbed wire and its Sterling Mk2 LHT mechanical trap mat.
Lesion (Defense)
Like Frost, Injury is able to place different traps around the map, with one notable difference: the traps of the SDU soldier are GU mines capable of releasing poisonous gases, attaching themselves to the legs of the enemies. At this point your opponents will have to choose whether to take substantial damage from the mines and escape, or to remove the thorns and die at your hands. In addition, its inventory consists of a good arsenal, such as a SIX12 SD, a T-5 SMG, a Q-929, some impact grenades and finally a mobile shield.
Mute (Defense)
We conclude with one of the basic operators, but certainly one of the strongest and most effective at each rank: we are talking about Mute, soldier belonging to the SAS. Its gadget allows you to create interference in drones, preventing their use in designated areas, along with canceling the charges that otherwise could create gaps inside the walls that defend the target. Mute owns weapons such as an MP5K, an M590A1, a P226 Mk26, a C-4, a mobile shield and the GC90 "Moni" Jammers, which when joined by operators such as Frost and Bandit will allow you to dominate in the rounds of defense of the target .
Obviously we advise you to try the above operators for several free games; by doing so, you will be able to become familiar with each style of play corresponding to individual soldiers. Once you've learned the strategy and weaknesses of each, you might as well try your hand at a ranked match.
Which operators do you mainly use?
► Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege is a Shooter type game developed and published by Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 01/12/2015
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 84%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege Review