Here is the easiest way to get this trophy in the Capcom game.
As per tradition, with each new title that arrives on the market, users are hunted for an extremely precious object: let's talk about the Resident Evil Village Platinum Trophy (game of which you can find our review here), which can only be obtained by achieving achievements such as Settebello, a bronze trophy that requires you to accumulate exactly 777 Lei, 7.777 Lei or 77.777 Lei in history mode.
In this guide, we will show you a method to follow to meet the necessary requirements and easily get the trophy in the new Capcom game.
Of the three possibilities offered by the trophy (in terms of quantity of Lei), the quickest to complete is the one that requires you to obtain 777 Lei: obviously what we propose is not the only method to follow, but it can be a good one. solution for anyone who had finished the game but missed the trophy in his first run.
The first thing to do to get the figure of 777 Lei is to complete the game, then select the menu of the store extra content and buy the WCX assault rifle. Once this is done, you will need to start a new game in Resident Evil Village by selecting the New Game + and go to the Duke's shop, which you meet just before entering the castle: right there the gun will be available for purchase. All of this will also unlock the recipe for shotgun ammo, which can be purchased separately. It will be necessary craft as many as 111 bullets and, to do so, it will be necessary to have rusty scrap, chemical fluid and metal scrap in large quantities.
At that point, always in the Duke's shop, you will have to spend all your money until you have the pockets you want; only then will the previously crafted projectiles come in handy, which can be sold at a price of 7 Lei each. If you're good at math, you've already figured out the trick: selling all 111 crafted bullets will allow you to reach exactly the amount needed for the trophy (777 Lei), starting from scratch.
In case you are hungry for precious objects hidden within the world of Resident Evil Village, you can consult this guide, which explains how to get all the treasures in the game.
► Resident Evil Village is an Adventure-type game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, it will be released in 2021
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