If we were to browse the huge catalog of Sony exclusives and decide which character would be best suited to become the PlayStation mascot, our choice would certainly fall on Sackboy.
This cute stuffed toy first appeared on PlayStation 3 in Little Big Planet and it would be a real shame to see him doomed to oblivion, now that the series that gave him birth seems to have faded perhaps forever.
So here comes Sackboy: A Big Adventure: cross-gen title that gives new life to the character and ferries him towards a (hopefully) glorious future on PlayStation 5. For the occasion, we bring you the complete list of Sackboy: A trophies Big Adventure, which you can unlock by accompanying the small, friendly protagonist in this great adventure.
Bronze Trophies
- Promising squire: You faced the Rumpel lord on Prominent Peak.
- Metameric disease: You have rid Great Canopy of its pest problem.
- Hit and sunk: You have defeated the herald of nightmares at the bottom of the ocean.
- Turn off and on again: You cleared the NAOMI code
- Victory over Vex!: You triumphed over the evil Vex at the center of the DIY world.
- Daydreamer: You repelled the Ruckus for the first time.
- Dream book: Collect all stickers in a single World.
- Investiture: Discover the trials of the Knitted Knights.
- Out of the ring: Collect and throw 30 Vex minions by eliminating them.
- Palombella shooting: Defeat 30 Vex minions from a distance.
- multitasking: Defeat multiple minions at the same time 10 times.
- Sprung: Defeat 30 Vex minions by bouncing on them.
- Altolà: Stun 30 Vex minions.
- Stylish: Get your first costume.
- Master of the remix: Earn a gold in a remix level.
- Gold knight: Earn a gold in a Knight Knight test.
- Cut it out!: Complete Follow the Light… without launching the Reel.
- Drift: Over the course of your adventure, collect 3.000 points as you slide.
- Comic binge: Obtain a complete sequence of timed score comics 30 times.
- Acrobat gymnast: While in the air, make four consecutive moves before you hit the ground.
- ARGH! API!: Collect and hold a buuumbi hive for 60 seconds.
- Internal competition: In multiplayer, get the highest ranking score 20 times.
- Istrione: Create your own custom emotion in the Zom Zom shop and show it to the world.
- Style icon: Save a custom costume in your wardrobe.
- Hands up: In multiplayer, unleash a group dance with your friends.
- Give me five!: In multiplayer, high-five a friend.
- Bad winner: In multiplayer, hit one of your friends after winning.
- To the thief!: In multiplayer, snatch an object from another player's clutches.
- Stereo slap: Slap yourself simultaneously.
- Pack animal: In multiplayer, get a gold in a Knight Knight test while carrying another stuffed toy.
- Fun to the stars: In multiplayer, complete a co-op level.
- Capitalist: In multiplayer, get the most bubbles in a level 20 times.
Silver Trophies
- Real victory over Vex!: You defeated Vex, destroyed the Ripper and saved the DIY World!
- Rescuer: In multiplayer, save your fallen friends from certain doom!
- Naturalistic: Find all of Gerald's secret corners.
- Inveterate player: Find and collect every fish, brush and cocktail umbrella along the way.
- Master of mastery: Complete 30 levels without dying.
- Immortal friends: In multiplayer mode, complete 10 levels by earning all achievements.
- Walk-in closet: Fill your wardrobe with 300 costume parts.
- Dry match: Earn a gold badge by completing all objectives in a level.
- Multiple talent: Achieve all objectives in 10 different levels.
- Friends forever: Play as a team to take out the Ripper.
Gold Trophies
- Wonderplane scavenger: Prove what you've learned and complete the ultimate Wonderplane challenge.
- Golden Boy: Earn gold on the leaderboard in 50 different levels!
- Perfect series: Get gold in the final Knight Knight trial.
Platinum Trophies
- Great adventurer: Not even Scarlet got all the trophies, you are a true Knight Knight of legend.
In short, some trophies of Sackboy: A Big Adventure seem rather difficult to obtain and will lead you to explore this colorful adventure for good.
Sackboy: A Big Adventure has just been released on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. Whether you are about to move to the next-gen or not, you will still have the opportunity to collect all of its numerous trophies.