We see all the unlockable trophies in the title of Alterego Games.
Developed by the Dutch studio Alterego Games and published by StickyLock Games, Sanity of Mirrors is a psychological horror that combines elements of stealth titles with those of investigative games. In fact, the player will play the role of Johnatan Morris, a man who has just arrived in the desolate city of Greenlake in order to control the mental state of his father, with whom all contact was interrupted. Noting the disappearance of the parent, the player will have to start investigating to reconstruct the story and elaborate his own version of events.
Obviously, the usual trophy list cannot be missing, which can be very useful to those players who intend to obtain the much coveted platinum trophies. The list consists of 5 bronze trophies, 10 gold trophies and 1 platinum trophy, therefore, the process to unlock them all should last a little over the 8 hours required to complete the campaign. Let's see in more detail what trophies it is.
Footsteps: you have finished the first level. You started following in your father's footsteps
- Rabbithole: you have finished the second level. You've been deep inside Rabbithole
- Find Hank: you found Hank. Or that's what they want you to believe
- Draw first blood: do not kill as if it were excessive
- Facts and Fictions: You have completed the third level. Now you distinguish fact from fiction, right?
Greenlake Collector: You have found all the collectibles of the first level. Who thought that a single house could contain so many objects?
- Alien Collector: you found all the collectibles of the second level. It's hard to believe, but you found them
- Government Collector: You have found all the collectibles of the third level. John is paying for it, but at least you have them all
- Heremits Timeline: You found all the collectibles in Hank's timeline
- Evaluators Timeline: You have found all the collectibles in the alien timeline
- Experiments Timeline: The RI&CS timeline is complete and illustrates what the institution has become
- Timeline Detective: You have completed the timeline reports in the journal. All the answers are there, if you can make sense of it all
- Woven Sticker: You found the Woven sticker in old team projects
- Spider Sticker: You found the Spider sticker in old team projects
- True Tales Sticker: You found the True Tales sticker in old team projects
Utimate Detective: You have unlocked all trophies in Sanity of Morris!
Being a title without trophies related to the difficulty, Sanity of Morris should not cause particular problems for players who intend to unlock all the trophies. However, you will need to be careful not to leave the various collectibles behind and collect them all as you progress through the game. We remember that Sanity of Morris is on sale at a price of 14,99 euros on PC, but also on Sony and Microsoft consoles.
► Sanity of Morris is an Adventure type game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 23/03/2021