After having emerged victorious from the battle against the second Colossus in Shadow of the Colossus and having returned to the Shrine of the Cult prepare to search for the third Colossus, the fearsome Knight.
From the Sanctuary, head towards the same path you took to find the second Colossus, then north towards the bridge that crosses the crevasse directly above the beach. This time however, after crossing the bridge, you will have to take the path on the left. You cannot go wrong, as directly in front of you you will see a large mountain range and at that point you will know that you are in the right direction.
Climb along the path that winds through two steep rocky walls until you reach a very particular clearing. At the center of it in fact you will find a body of water with a kind of rocky island that rises upwards, surrounded by a narrow stone road suspended in the void. The latter will allow you to climb the building, so dive and swim until you reach the narrow suspended stone path that emerges from the water and winds upwards.
Go up the stone road and watch out for the moment when you have to jump through the stone pillar, after which climb onto the island platform and you will finally reach the top. Follow the path that will take you straight to the third Colossus of Shadow of the Colossus, the Knight, who will wake up as soon as he notices your presence.
Compared to the other two Colossi, the Knight is much stronger and before climbing on his body you will have to weaken him. Also pay attention to his weapon: the Colossus wields a giant stone staff that he uses as a sword. In the center of the platform you will find a stone circle and this is where the fight with the third Colossus of Shadow of the Colossus will begin. Reach the circle and stop exactly in the middle at this point you will have to wait for the Knight to approach and start swinging his stone staff right at you. Dodge the hit and the stick will hit the ground: the impact will be very strong and will cause the armor to break del Cavaliere, a scene that will be shown through a short cutscene.
At this point the Knight is weakened, so you can proceed with climbing. Jump to his stone staff when he is still on the ground and climb up to reach his arm, from which you can then cling to her loose hair. Remember that if you are too slow the Knight will lift the staff from the ground and you will no longer be able to hold on to it, forcing you to wait for another attack from the Colossus and repeating the action from the beginning.
Proceed towards the shoulder until you get to the neck and then Climb to the top of the Colossus's head, where you'll find the creature's first weak spot illuminated in blue as usual. Hit the spot until the light fades, then start at descend towards the torso of the Colossus up to a kind of platform that will facilitate you in the enterprise: here you will find the second weak point. The only thing you need to do now is keep hitting him until the Knight, the third Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus, is defeated. At this point you will unlock the trophy "Wake the Knight", or "Wake the Knight".
Now that you have also passed the third challenge, we give you an appointment for the next hunt where we will face The Gravestone Horse!
► Shadow of the Colossus is an Adventure type game developed by Bluepoint Games and published by Sony for the PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 06/02/2018
Shadow of the Colossus is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 87%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Shadow of the Colossus review