Shenmue III has only been out for a very short time, but we're sure the more completists among you have already started trying to get every single hidden trophy in the game. Some of them will be quite easy to obtain, but for the more valuable ones Ys Net has been downright merciless, and they will take time and patience.
Here is the complete list of trophies for PlayStation 4 with the relative description for how to get them.
Bronze Trophies
- Wild Harvester of Wild Plants: Collected all of Bailu's herbs
- Wild Collector of Wild Plants: Collected all Niaowu herbs
- Fishing beginner: You have fished in all places in Bailu
- Fishery scholar: You have fished in all places in Niaowu
- Plump pig: You had more than 1.000 yuan
- Village banker: You had more than 5.000 yuan
- Trainee bettor: You have had over 20.000 tokens
- Usual customer: You bought 10 items in a shop
- Capsule fans: Collected 5 sets of capsule toys
- Bailu Village: You have completed the important tasks in Bailu
- Niaowu: You completed the important tasks in Niaowu
- Positive Karma: You have completed all side missions
- Babysitter: You played a game of hide and seek
- Panoramic point: You climbed the bell tower
- Gon: You trained with Sun and learned Tackle
- Jie: You trained with Bei and learned Reverse Tackle
- Dan: You saved the fortune teller from a drunkard on the Promenade
- Yi: You recovered the mugged bag
- Old castle: Go to the bank opposite Niaowu to reach the old castle
- Inseparable: You have reunited with Ren Wuying
- The Secret of the Verdant Bridge: You heard an old story about the Verdant Bridge
- VIP: You have obtained a VIP card for the Golden Goose
- How long: Completed "A Meeting with Zhang Shuqin"
- Where did Zhang Go go ?: Completed "The Disappearance of Zhang"
- Another One Bites the Dust: Completed "The Blue Spider Poison"
- Pilgrimage Chawan signs: You signed Chawan signs in all places
- Three years on a stone: You've spent over 100 hours waiting for Chawan signs
- Rice cake bought: You purchased a Snake Tonic with Chawan Marks
- Be careful what you eat: You bought raw oysters with Chawan markings
- Delicious Shaomai: You bought Crab Shaomai with Chawan Marks
- Don't eat it ?: You bought Peking Duck with Chawan signs
- You don't have a can opener !: You bought canned corn with Chawan signs
- Where is the request ?: You purchased a maniac monk with Chawan signs
- You completed "Flower, Bird, Wind and Moon": Completed the Flower, Bird, Wind and Moon challenge mission
- You completed Vince Testa: Completed the Vince Testa Challenge Mission
- You completed Lucky Break: Completed the Luck Challenge mission
- You completed the Frog Race: Completed the Frog Race challenge mission
- Completed Turtle Race: Complete the Turtle Race Challenge mission
- Save the Boys !: You saved the missing boys
- For my big brother: You gave the very rare “Star Girl” card to Shi Baolin
- Super runner: Won 1st prize in the Short Course
- Prodigy in the center: You have won 1st prize in the Medium Course
- Enduring legend: Won 1st prize in the Long Course
- Hunter Bailu Chan: You found 80 Bailu Chan
- Maniac Bailu Chan: You found 100 Bailu Chan
Silver Trophies
- Herbalist expert: You have collected all possible herbs
- Crazy for fishing: You have fished in all possible places
- City tycoon: You had more than 10.000 yuan
- Expert betting: You have had over 50.000 tokens
- Super customer: You bought 100 items in a shop
- Capsule Star: Collected 15 sets of capsule toys
- Combat Master: You have won against 36 people in the arena
- Record Master: Achieved the highest score in all minigames
- Master Woodcutter: You split 1.000 logs
- We'll see again: Completed "Saving Mr. Zhang"
- Race to the Battle King: You have won 1st prize of all courses
Gold Trophies
- Fishing professional: You have caught 1.000 fish
- King of bettors: You have had over 500.000 tokens
- Future entrepreneur ?: You bought 1.000 items in a shop
- Capsule legend: Collected all capsule toy series
- Master of the technique: You have collected all the technical manuscripts
- Fashionable martial artist: You have purchased all the clothes available at the Sea Departure
- Master Bailu Chan: You found 120 Bailu Chan
Platinum Trophies
Hero of Shenmue: Collected all trophies.
► Shenmue III is an Adventure-Action game developed by Neilo Ys Net and published by Deep Silver for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 19/11/2019
Shenmue III is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 77%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Shenmue III Review