Karl Fairburne of Sniper Elite 4 has at his disposal many different weapons. Of all it is clear to imagine that the sniper rifle is the one that will be used the most during the adventure. Seeing this, we have decided to compile a list of all the rifles that will be possible to use, along with advice on where to get them and why to use them.
This is the player's first shotgun. One with the best stats, balanced for each type of approach. Particularly difficult to master, it requires fifty kills from the shoulder.
Lower rate of fire than Springfield, but ideal for long range. Not very difficult to unlock, it will only cost you $ 5 at the shop.
It allows you to quickly fire shots, therefore ideal for those who face several enemies at a time. You also buy this at the store for $ 5.
Little zoom and stability, but it has a high ammo capacity. To unlock it you have to win the Church Battles and the Battle for the Watermill, which happen randomly in the various missions.
Excellent for those who have a hard time dealing with rifle recoil. Not too slow and with a zoom similar to Springfield, it is useful for those who want to keep focused on the target. You also buy this at the store for $ 5.
Semi-automatic sim. Good magazine and has one of the highest fire rates in the game. The damage dealt is not very high, but for those who prefer more fast-paced gameplay, it will be a great choice. $ 5 at the store.
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The rifle of the last stages of the game. Medium magazine, high damage and high recoil damping. A little slower than other bolt-action, but that extra bullet can turn the tide of a match compared to a Springfield, while also being easier to control. $ 5 at the store.
Another bolt rifle, available only as an Allied Forces DLC. Magazine with only five rounds, but has a high rate of fire. The high recoil damping makes it easy to control.
Well-known semi-automatic shotgun used a lot in games in recent years. Fans will not be able to use it unless they purchase it through Allied Forces DLC. Eight shots in the barrel, well-damped recoil, high rate of fire, this weapon is ideal for all approaches, from the quiet to the fastest.
Similar to the M1 Garand, it offers a higher rate of fire by having a high magazine. Very meager damage, of course, but with all those hits it can become a really versatile weapon.
This particular rifle is completely silenced. Lower speed and stability than Springfield, but has seven rounds in the barrel and is an ideal bolt-action for stealth gameplay. To unlock it, you must purchase it in the Silent Warfare DLC.
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- Sniper Elite 4 Sniper Rifle Guide