Ready to lead Delta Squad once again?
Sixteen years after the original launch, Star Wars: Republic Commando back in great shape on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. Aspyr Media has in fact recovered the code of the FPS game released in 2005 on PC and Xbox by creating a port for the current consoles. The First Person Shooter set in the Star Wars universe puts us in command of the Delta Squad, immersing us in the narrative arc of the Clone War.
The PlayStation 4 version of Star Wars: Republic Commando features 31 trophies, excluding the coveted Platinum. These are divided between 14 bronze, 12 silver and 5 gold to be obtained to grab the aforementioned metallic trophy. Below is the trophy list for Star Wars: Republic Commando:
- Delta 62 - Meet Delta 62
- Lack of bacta - Revive a squad member
- Maximum potential - Unlock all weapon accessories
- “We need a hacker. And smart ... " - Hack your first console
- Lindo and pinto - Clean the headset 10 times
- "I hate those looters" - Drive out a looting droid
- Was it red-red-green or red-green-red? - Detonate 10 demolition charges
- "Hold on tight, now I'll make them into slices" - Request resuscitation
- Cadet - Finish the game on Easy mode
- In attack formation - Kill an enemy by piloting a vehicle
- Delta team in formation - Give all team orders at least once
- Repeated explosion - Detonate 10 explosive drums
- From a clear sky - Shoot down the ship on Geonosis
- Watch your head - Detach a droid's head with a melee attack
- "This planet is rotten from top to bottom" - Complete Geonosis
- Close - 100 melee kills
- Everyone on board - Complete RAS Prosecutor
- "He is holding the thermal detonator" - Hit 5 enemies with a single thermal detonator
- Lieutenant - Finish the game in Media mode
- Turret assault - Eliminate 10 enemies with a turret
- "Please sir, decide" - Place an order and cancel it immediately afterwards
- Very friendly fire - Blow yourself up
- Shoot the red dot - Defeat the dwarf spider droid
- Guerrilla - Drop a droid dispenser on 4 enemies
- That model is a trabiccolo - Find the speeder bike
- “Can you die later, sir? We would have to do now ”. - Beat down 10 times in a single mission
Help the wookiees on Kashyyyk - Complete Kashyyyk
- Ambitious goals - Collect all enemy weapons
- Marshal commander - Finish the game on Hard mode
- There is a nest here - Destroy all the eggs before they hatch
- "Times have changed" - Find the hidden lightsaber (in Save the Team)
Part of the team - Get all trophies
And with that ends the Star Wars: Republic Commando trophy list. See you soon!
► Star Wars: Republic Commando is a Shooter-Tactical type game developed by LucasArts and published by LucasArts Activision Electronic Arts for PC and Xbox, the video game was released on 17/02/2005 The version for PC came out on 08/07/2009