Tom Clancy's: The Division Trophy List
We know very well that the sheer size of things to do in Tom Clancy's: The Division it could easily make you forget about the existence of trophies, but if you ever have some free time to devote to these secondary objectives we leave you a complete list.
We also remember that in addition to the trophies, there are further goals that are much more important. These achievements will be linked to your Uplay account and will allow you to acquire points, which can be used to unlock some very interesting items. You can find a complete list of these goals and their rewards in our dedicated guide.
Bronze trophies
Get to Manhattan.
Get hold of the original virus strain.
I hate the heat!
Eliminate the leader of the Purifiers and escape the napalm factory.
Crime and Punishment
Eliminate the leader of the Rikers and her bodyguards at the Event Center on Lexington.
I am thrilled
Conquer the power plant.
Fly to the wall
Reset the JTF repeater.
The last man
Eliminate the leader of the Last Battalion and his men in the UN building.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose
Retrieve Tschernenko's research data from the Russian consulate.
What needs to be done
Retrieve Charles Bliss' propaganda tape.
Final act
Find out what happened to Gordon Amherst and Aaron Keener.
Discover ALL the retreats in Manhattan.
Complete a mission in Challenge mode.
Shadows of the past
Activate 63 ECHO scenes.
Drone license
Extract 16 aerial photos from crashed drones.
Survival expert
Retrieve 24 pages of the Survival Manual.
Diary of an agent
Extract 130 phone records from phones found in Manhattan.
The seeker
Recover the profiles of 20 missing First Wave Agents.
Extract 40 audio incident reports from JTF laptops.
Fixed point
Return to Faye Lau at the base of operations.
The engineer
Save Paul Rhodes.
The doctor
Save Dr. Jessica Kandel.
The captain
Save Captain Roy Benitez.
Assign 10 different skill mods.
Lethal skill
Kill 50 enemies with skills.
The philanthropist
Purchase the Dog Unit and Pediatric Therapy upgrades for the Base of Operations.
You are special
Activate a special ability 100 times.
Natural talent
Get a kill while you have an active talent.
Excellent dexterity
Craft 10 items.
Not very constructive criticism
Dismantle 100 items.
Group wanted
Create or join a group.
Revive a teammate 20 times in co-op.
I think of you
Heal or grant allies a bonus 100 times while in a party.
Complete 20 missions while in a party.
Do you want to close it?!?
Close a car door while behind cover.
Raid on the arsenal
Kill 1 enemy with each of the 6 weapon classes.
It was worth the wait
Extract a tainted item from the Dark Zone.
Mass extraction
Extract an item from each of the 8 extraction zones.
Great booty!
Extract an elite or high-end item from the Dark Zone.
Head hunter
Kill a major enemy in the Dark Zone.
You're on the list ...
Kill 10 major enemies in the Dark Zone.
For justice!
Kill a player with Traitor status.
The law is ME!
Kill 20 traitorous agents.
Silver trophies
Like one man
Start and complete a level 30 co-op mission without anyone going down or dying.
Minus one! Two more!
Fully upgrade a department of the base of operations.
Restoration work
Fully upgrade two departments of the base of operations.
Party dress
Equip one elite or high-end item in each equipment slot.
Master craftsman
Create a high-end item.
Gold trophies
At the level
Reach level 30 with an agent.
Complete all missions at level 30 (Hard).
State of the art
Fully upgrade the base of operations.
Platinum trophy
Platinum agent
Unlock all Tom Clancy's The Division ™ trophies.