There is no shortage of collectibles in God of War. Some can be sold for money, but others unlock interesting content. The Muspelheim ciphers are part of this second category of collectibles, being the key to unlocking the kingdom in question. There are challenges within the realm of Muspelheim, but to enter it you will also need to complete the quest "The Realm of Fire".
To unlock access to the realm of fire you will only need 4 ciphers, although there are more in the game. In this guide aWe will see where to find 4 Muspelheim ciphers as soon as possible in God of War.
Forgotten Caves are an optional region northwest of Lake Novi. After the encounter with the snake of the world you will see a beach in the part behind it. By docking on this beach, accessible from the first encounter with the snake, you will see a chain, climbing it you will find a chest with a cipher inside.
It is another cliff that can be approached through an exploration in the Lake of Nine. To get to this area it will be enough to find a place that runs aground north east of the lake. Once on the mainland, on the right, there will be marked walls. Destroying the walls will make Atreus go up, which will drop a chain. Climbing it you will find a treasure containing a cipher.
This cipher can be found safely during the adventure. After meeting Brok you will arrive in an area full of poisonous devices. Stopping the poison with the ax you can continue, and on the way you will find another chest containing a cipher. The chest is in a poisonous area, so we must leave the leviathan to freeze the poisonous device.
During the first objective of the main quest "The Light of Alheim", 3 Dark Elves will face off. As soon as the first 3 Dark elves who will face Kratos and son have been killed, there will be a gate that was previously blocked by pink roots. The chest is there.
To get the cipher trophy you will only need 4 Muspelheim and 4 Niflheim ciphers, since they are the number needed to unlock the two kingdoms.
If you have forgotten one of these ciphers, it is possible to find a fifth in the initial hours of play. On the mountain, after having recruited Mimir, going to the left and going back a little to find another cipher.
► God of War is an Adventure-Action game developed by SIE Santa Monica Studios and published by Sony for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 20/04/2018
God of War is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 93%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the God of War review