Of course, in Resident Evil 2 Remake it is really difficult to carve out the time between shooting zombies, running away from zombies, being scared by zombies, but every now and then you have to unplug, right?
Here is a quick guide to finish in the shortest possible time the search for the 15 Bobbleheads of Mr. Raccoon scattered around the map.
Hand to holster, of course:
- In the west office of the police station, on the top shelf of the north wall;
- On the 2nd floor of the station, in the southeast corner behind a computer monitor;
- In the area of the shooting range, at the level of the garage to the north-west;
- In the dining room, near the bunk beds (only for Leon, or in the 2nd run as Claire);
- In the room adjacent to the Chief of Police's office, on a table (we should have the square crank in Leon's case, or the Hearts key in Claire's case);
- Obtainable only as Claire, we use the Hearts key to unlock the door to the southernmost room of the storage area and look for the Bobblehead on the top shelf behind the door;
- West of the clock tower, at the end of the corridor;
- After eliminating the crocodile (playing as Leon) we will find this Bobblehead before the ladder that leads to Ada Wong;
- In the incinerator room, as Ada in Leon's countryside, we will find the Bobblehead west of the door;
- Playing as Claire, after going through the garage, let's head across the basketball court to the bus, at the entrance of which we will find the Bobblehead;
- In the orphanage (playing as Claire) we will find the collectible on a shelf in the Nursery at the top of the stairs;
- In the lower section of the sewers, along the corridor leading to the warehouse;
- In the laboratory cafeteria, on the table near the staircase;
- In the rest area of the laboratory, inside a cubicle that can be unlocked with the signal modulator;
- In scenario B, at the end of the tunnel in the bushes near the ladder;
So here is our splendid guide to conclude in the shortest possible time the search for the 15 Bobbleheads of Mr. Raccoon: Raccoon City you go, collectible you find.
► Resident Evil 2 Remake is a Horror-Survival game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 25/01/2019
Resident Evil 2 Remake is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 97%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Resident Evil 2 Remake review