XCOM 2, after its prequel, will put you back in charge of a handful of men to save the Earth from the alien invasion. The difficulty is higher than in the first chapter and for this reason we provide you with some advice on how to move.
To get the better of the invaders you will have to better manage your resources, creating new trained units, creating new plants and getting the better of the alien tactic that over time becomes more and more difficult to beat. One of the first strategic elements with which it is good to become familiar as soon as possible is the ambush: in fact, through this stratagem you can attack enemies, lowering the risk of losing precious men. Let's get straight to the point, here are the five tips, directly from the developers of Firaxis Games:
1) Train and properly train at least one Psi Ops
The Psi Ops is a very special unit: it is very different from the other classes, they are very powerful, being able to count on out of the ordinary skills, but at the cost of a very high consumption of resources. Given their power, however, the game is worth the candle, especially for their Fuse ability. This will allow you to detonate the explosives that the enemies are carrying. Another interesting skill is the Sustain, thanks to which you can stay alive even after a deadly attack.
2) Specialist's Gremlin
The Specialist is a support class that takes advantage of a drone called the Gremlin. You can decide whether to equip this drone with healing abilities or equip it with skills that will make your shots hit with absolute safety. The Gremlin will also be equipped with the best Hacker skills in the game, giving you the ability to take control of the turrets and MECs. In theory, you can also gain control of the cameras but these are of secondary importance.
3) The retreat is not to be avoided
Even if you are playing on a not too high difficulty, XCOM will know how to make you suffer. If you have realized that the mission is not turning in your favor and you risk big, immediately withdraw your troops, before losing much more than a simple defeat. Losing units will make you suffer in subsequent missions, so every soldier will need to be cautious.
4) XCOM 2 is not a stealth
Taking enemies by storm via Concealment is a good tactic. However, it will not allow you to complete a mission without being discovered, sooner or later, by the enemy. If you advance without engaging the enemy you may find yourself in a difficult situation to resolve. It is good to send a maximum of one man into stealth while the others entertain the enemy.
5) Inevitable damage can get you out of trouble
When choosing the equipment and skills of your men, always give priority to skills and weapons that will give you a 100% chance of hitting the enemy. These skills will be very useful to you as they will never let enemies with low HP wander around the map as they will still be able to hurt, very badly.
► XCOM 2 is an RPG-Sports-Strategy-Turn-Based-Tactical Game developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2K Games Feral Interactive for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Linux, the game was released on 05/02/2016 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 27/09/2016 The version for Xbox One came out on 27/09/2016