It came out of nowhere and, though it's clearly not a true sequel to the highly acclaimed XCOM 2, XCOM: Chimera Squad is undoubtedly an extraordinarily fun game. Some mechanics have been left behind and others have been introduced - let's see them together.
Here is one of the most interesting new features of XCOM: Chimera Squad, a kind of preparatory phase that determines much of what will happen in the actual battle. Unlike similar modes in other strategy games, this tranche is essential.
When assigning your units to Breach Points, pay particular attention to the various positive and negative effects: each point has different bonuses and penalties applicable to the agent you place at that point. Make sure you "match" the right agents to the effects that less penalize them and more enhance them.
Here is another point that XCOM: Chimera Squad takes and modifies: unlike the previous titles, the turns are now decided by the waiting and action times of the various units, a detail that strongly modifies the flow of the game and has a huge impact on your strategic method.
There are at least two possibilities that you will have in front of you, in a regular battle: hit a specific enemy until it is knocked down or distribute the blows by taking away health from more and more enemies. We advise you to follow this second path, making the most of their low health and the new turn-based system to then eliminate them one at a time before they have the remote chance to attack you.
Some battles will be a little tougher, however, against enemies that will give you a hard time: when you find yourself in this situation, use every single attack possibility during the "Break in" phase; you probably won't kill them right away, but at least you'll make your job easier.
One of the things to remember during the "Break In" mode are the paired abilities. Not all agents have these skills, but try to make the most of the agents who do have them: even Verge's alone allows you to lift an enemy into the air, an extremely useful ability to attack him aggressively.
The primary objective in XCOM: Chimera Squad is to keep the peace in City 31. Precisely for this purpose you will have to pay close attention to a particular parameter, the level of "Agitation" of each district: the more you let this criticality grow, the more missions in that district will increase in difficulty. The yellow side missions can help you, but also Special Operations.
An excellent way to reduce or control the Agitation level of the various districts is to use the Teams on the Field: once they are deployed, specific skills will be unlocked that can reduce or freeze the Agitation. Beware: these teams also have their own specific cooldown time.
Ammunition is obviously a very important resource in XCOM: Chimera Squad, so much so that reloading weapons costs one action and can therefore profoundly affect your game strategies. So try to equip the Auto-Loaders as much as possible, a precaution that will allow you a free reload for each mission.
Here are 9 tips for those approaching the world of XCOM: Chimera Squad; in the hope they could have been of help, we refer you to other interesting guides such as the one to the difficult mode of Final Fantasy VII Remake and the one to the farming of gold bars in Fallout 76.
► XCOM 2 is an RPG-Sports-Strategy-Turn-Based-Tactical Game developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2K Games Feral Interactive for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Linux, the game was released on 05/02/2016 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 27/09/2016 The version for Xbox One came out on 27/09/2016