The new Assassin's Creed Valhalla will allow you to wear the shoes of Eivor, male or female, to set out to conquer England and beyond. The journeys that we will have to face will put us in front of a large number of enemies and dangers of various kinds and, to be able to counter them at best, we will have to rely on a valid armor that can protect us and adapt to our style of play. In fact, leaving out the passive bonuses deriving from the Talents, which you can learn more about in our guide and which involve specific types of armor (Via del Corvo, del Lupo and dell'Orso), each set of equipment will give our protagonist several passive bonuses including to choose.
The armor in Assassin's Creed Valhalla in fact have different characteristics that make them unique and suitable for different purposes and types of play styles; Let's first talk about the statistical points that will give us different types of physical resistances, as well as evasive abilities. In addition, equipping a sufficient number of parts from the same set (each consisting of a cape, torso, pants, armguard and helmet) will grant us some unique bonuses and ranging from increasing the probability of inflicting critical hits to making us faster or enhancing the damage inflicted by assassinations and bows. Each set will feature two of these bonuses, the first unlockable after equipping at least two pieces of armor, and the second only after equipping all five.
The use of these bonuses, together with the rune slots that we can increase by enhancing the object in question, therefore represents the basis for the creation of real builds to be exploited to adapt everything to our style of play. In this last chapter of the series, however, the choice adopted in Odyssey and Origins of making weapons and armor a random drop (except for the unique ones) from enemies was abandoned, therefore each element of each set will be searched for in specific places or by specific enemies, and below you can find their complete list with their locations. Before starting, however, we want to emphasize that in some cases it will not be possible to collect some armor right away, but you will necessarily have to increase your power level to face particularly powerful enemies.
Armor of the Raven (Via del Corvo)
This will be the first real armor you can wear in Assassin's Creed Valhalla after your journey begins in the frozen lands of Norway, although you will have to complete a few missions for the helmet. In fact, you will receive the last part of this set only after completing the quest called "A Cruel Destiny", and from this moment you can take advantage of both special bonuses that the armor provides:
- Armor bonus 2/5: Increases your armor as your health decreases.
- Armor bonus 5/5: Increases the chance of critical hits.
Hunter's Armor (Way of the Wolf)
This is one of the first sets that you can meet when you arrive in the England of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, considering that its five parts can be found in the two initial regions. In fact, we are talking about Grantebridgescire and Ledecestrescire, or two territories that will not present particularly high levels of danger having very accessible power requirements. This is a set that can be useful for bow lovers, in fact:
- Armor bonus 2/5- Increases ranged damage by hitting enemies from distances greater than 20 meters.
- Armor bonus 5/5: increase speed.
Considering that these territories require a power level of 20, you can find his five pieces as listed below:
- cloak: in the fort of Templebrough in Ledecestrescire, you will notice that it is located on the ground floor of a tower and you can access it by dropping the suspended piles of wood hitting their supports.
- Elmo: inside Tonnastadir in Ledecestrescirem you will find a hiding place closed with a padlock; you will find the key inside the long house, resting on a small table.
- Bust: in one of the Ravensburg huts in Grantebridgescire.
- Vambraces: in a cave near Besuncen Tor in Grantebridgescire, to find it you simply have to search behind the waterfall.
- Pants: also in this case it will be found in a hut of the Soham Hideout in Grantebridgescire.
Armor of the Occult (Via del Corvo)
Recovering this armor will be part of a secondary mission of Assassin's Creed Valhalla that will be entrusted to you by the Hidden Ones in your village after building an outpost for them. This is a set obviously focused on stealth but more complex to obtain considering how its parts are well scattered in the game map. In fact, you will have to look for the old outposts of the brotherhood and retrieve some codex pages from inside them to bring back to our village to receive every piece of armor.
- Armor bonus 2/5: Increases the damage of assassinations when crouched and undetected for 10 seconds.
- Armor bonus 5/5: Increases the damage of headshots.
As already anticipated, some parts of this set will be in areas with required power of 160/190/200, therefore it will certainly not be among the simplest to obtain, but in any case if you manage to keep a low profile it may not be a impossible feat.
- cloak: you can find it at the bottom of the hideout of the Occult hidden in Colcestre in Essexe (power 160), to reach it you will have to work your way through walls to blow up and points where you will have to swim.
- Elmo: the den in question will be in Londinium in the Lunden region (power 90); to get inside you have to climb a tree near the city walls and from here dive inside the structure.
- Bust: the entrance to the lair will be in a cemetery southeast of the capital of Jorvik (power 190), you simply have to look for the wooden panel on the ground that blocks the entrance and destroy it.
- Vambraces: this time a more accessible area, namely Ledecestre in Ledecestrescire (power 20) and nothing too complex, simply keep an eye on the networks of debris to be dropped to destroy the closed passages.
- Pants: the hideout will be in the southwestern area of Gloucestrescire (220 power), inside a temple protected by traps.
Magister's Armor (Raven Way)
Unlike the previous one, this set can be easily found from some of the initial areas of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, so you won't need particularly high power levels. Let's talk about a set capable of increasing your damage as long as you decide to focus your aggressive actions during the night:
- Armor bonus 2/5: Increased melee damage overnight.
- Armor bonus 5/5: increased damage from a distance.
Here are the areas where you can find all the parts:
- cloak: on the island of Serpent's Landing in East Anglia (power 55), the small island located further north of the region.
- Elmo: inside the monastery of King's Bury, also in East Anglia.
- Bust: In Leah Villa's garrison, Oxenefordscire (power 90), the treasure will be hidden behind a wall that you can destroy with a jar of oil.
- Vambraces: in the town of Buckingham in Oxenefordscire, inside the church you will find a ladder to hit with to make it fall and be able to climb it.
- Pants: in Oxenforda, Oxenefordscire, in the tower north of the city accessible only after having destroyed one of the windows.
Armor of the Mentor (Way of the Crow)
The Mentor set is definitely the best in Assassin's Creed Valhalla for those looking for the attack speed to overwhelm their enemies, in fact its bonuses will be basically focused on aggressive parameters:
- Armor bonus 2/5: increase to attack after a critical hit.
- Armor bonus 5/5: speed increase.
As in the case of the armor of the Occult some parts of this set will be located in more or less advanced areas of the game. You can access it at any time but, in case you don't have a high enough power level, we advise you to avoid direct confrontations.
- cloak: it will be found in the Loch Clunbre hideout in Snotinghamscire (power 250), in one of the central huts and protected by an elite guard in possession of the key to open his chest.
- Elmo: in the only hut of the Sherwood Hideout in Snotinghamscire.
- Bust: in the Guildford town church in Susthexe (power 160), to access it you will have to drop the suspended building materials with a crane.
- Vambraces: In the Anderitum Hideout in Susthexe, you will need to retrieve the key to the hideout from a nearby enemy and then enter the underground area and look for this piece behind a wall that can be destroyed with an explosion.
- Pants: in the well-defended Wincestre Garrison in Wincestre (power 250), it will be difficult not to get noticed but you can recover this loot by avoiding fighting; you have to be quick and break the latch on one of the doors by hitting it with an arrow through a window overlooking the stairs.
Armor of the Brigandine (Via dell'Orso)
A hidden set in the middle regions of England from Assassin's Creed Valhalla; it is a useful armor for defense and offense, excellent especially for facing large groups of enemies (for example during raids or sieges).
- Armor bonus 2/5: Increases armor when surrounded by two or more enemies.
- Armor bonus 5/5: increased melee damage.
The regions that hide the pieces of this armor are both at an overall recommended power level of 130, so you won't have to wait long before you run into one of them:
- cloak: Quatford in Sciropescire, the chest is located below the long house, in a cave that can be reached by a northern entrance and closed by debris that can be detonated.
- Elmo: also in this case you will have to look in a cave in the Wenlocan Outpost, Sciropescire, located to the South East of the Wenlocan Abbey.
- Bust: in Canterbury Cathedral in Cent, behind a locked door with a padlock to be destroyed and a candlestick to be knocked down to open a passage in the floor.
- Vambraces: In a house in Beamasfield in Cent (just east of the previous piece), you will need two keys, one located in a nearby hut and the other protected by a group of guards who patrol a field on the edge of the country.
- Pants: in the fortress of Dover, Cent, you will have to search for the chest by accessing the underground area of the fortress via the icon in the shape of stairs.
Galloglach's Armor (Way of the Wolf)
The second, and final, set on this list of Assassin's Creed Valhalla armor to benefit from the Wolf Way Talent tree is Galloglach's most versatile armor set. This is equipment suitable for close combat thanks to:
- Armor bonus 2/5: Increases the stamina in close combat after hitting enemies with stun attacks.
- Armor bonus 5/5: increased melee damage.
Also in this case we have regions with an intermediate level of power, but slightly higher than those containing the armor of the Brigandino; in fact we have a recommended power of 160 in all required regions.
- cloak: in the Brentwood Outpost of Essexe, located west of Londinium; you will have to face some guards as you will need a key and everything will be well protected.
- Elmo: in the Halstead Outpost in Essexe, this time west of the town of Walden, in a locked room accessible by some explosion or by breaking the door lock from above.
- Bust: in a bandit den on the coast called Spalding Bandit Lair in Lincolnscire; it is found in a hut in the center of the village accessible only by sneaking through the foundations and crossing a passage in the floor.
- Vambraces: in the center of the city of Lincoln in Lincolnscire, hidden inside a building protected by many guards.
- Pants: in the castle of Bolingbroc, Lincolnscire, also in this case it is a chest well protected by several guards.
Armor of Thegn (Via dell'Orso)
Here is the perfect Assassin's Creed Valhalla set for critical hit lovers:
- Armor bonus 2/5: Increases the critical chance after a block.
- Armor bonus 5/5: increased critical damage.
In this case, however, we are talking about a set that will require you to go into (and almost certainly fight, unless you are particularly efficient in stealth) in areas with a fairly high recommended power level.
- cloak: in the Wincestre, near where we found the pants from the Mentor set but in the Bishop's Residence.
- Elmo: always in the Wincestre and near the cloak, but this time in the church of the city. You will have to find the three keys hidden in different points of the building to reach this treasure.
- Bust: Temple of Brigantia, Eurvicscire (power 190), inside an underwater tunnel in the southern part of the ruins.
- Vambraces: always in the Eurvicscire, but this time in the Stenwege Camp where you will have to make your way through a camp of bandits with elite enemies in possession of keys that will allow you to continue; the chest will be waiting for you at the end of the field.
- Pants: inside the Aelfwood, in Glowecestrescire (power 220), you will have to look for the enemy in possession of the key in the vicinity of the chest that contains this piece.
Thor's armor
We conclude this Assassin's Creed Valhalla armor list in beauty with the Thunder God set. It is a piece of equipment that focuses everything on stuning the opponent by consuming his stamina bar so as to expose him to executions or attacks capable of inflicting large amounts of damage. We have in fact:
- Armor bonus 2/5: Speed increase by stunning an enemy.
- Armor bonus 5/5: increase in the effectiveness of stunning.
Unfortunately this is undoubtedly the most complex set to recover as it will force you to face some powerful enemies, namely the three witches (recommended power 250), and above all complete the entire game, so don't expect to recover it too quickly.
- cloak: the piece from Assassin's Creed Valhalla that will take the longest to recover; to get this cloak you will have to eliminate all 45 members of the Order of the Ancients and deliver all their medallions to the hiding place of the Occult in your village.
- Bust: you will have to find the cave of this witch near the north east coast of this region, west of Limenham; defeating it you will receive a dagger (mission item) and the bust of this armor.
- Vambraces: You will find the witch in Britannia's Watch (East Anglia) and by defeating her you will get a dagger and these braces.
- Pants: the last witch is located north of the Ely monastery in Grantebridgescire, once defeated you will get the third and final dagger, in addition to the pants.
- Elmo: once you have collected the three daggers you will have access to the helmet of the Thor set that you can find in an underground tunnel whose entrance is southwest of the city of Northwic (East Anglia), between the river Yare and Amynnesmere.
This concludes our guide to all the armor present in Assassin's Creed Valhalla; we hope that this Guide will be useful especially to decide as soon as possible which armor to aim at so as not to waste resources to upgrade equipment whose bonuses are not of interest to you. Recovering all these objects will still be an irresistible attraction for all lovers of completeness who want to delve into everything that this last chapter of one of the most famous Ubisoft series has to offer us.
► Assassin's Creed Valhalla is an Adventure-type game developed and published by Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 10/11/2020
Version for PlayStation 5 from 19/11/2020
Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Assassin's Creed Valhalla Review