Beyond: Two Souls is the third title created by David Cage, after Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain. Here is the complete list of trophies that you can find in the Sony exclusive, for a total of 46 including 36 bronze, 6 silver, 3 gold and platinum once all other Beyond: Two Souls trophies have been unlocked.
Bronze Trophies
Somebody else?
You used Aiden for the first time.
You stopped the experiment voluntarily.
You have done 3 bad deeds with Jodie and Aiden.
Practice with entities
You have defeated all entities with Aiden.
You forgave Jodie's father.
You are not my father
You choked Philip using Aiden.
You taught 3 or more kids a lesson or burned down the house with Aiden.
Cold blood
You didn't impress or scare the guys with Aiden.
Forever together
You protected Jodie from the attackers.
Closed portal
You closed the condenser portal.
Total communication
You communicated with all the corpses in the condenser area.
Perfect soldier
You've passed most of the physical tests.
Apprentice wrestler
You have overcome all fights with less than 5 hits.
You have passed all the stealth tests without being detected.
Clean work
You turned off the monitor and completed the mission using only Aiden.
Possessive spy
You completed the mission using only the Sheikh.
Perfect lover
You cooked, cleaned the apartment, took a shower, put on your evening dress and put on some music.
Casual girl
You ordered pizza, watched TV, and wore casual clothes.
In love with Ryan
You slept with Ryan.
Lady of stealth
You reached the cathedral without being seen.
Try to get me
You escaped the train without getting arrested.
Apocalypse of Aiden
You destroyed the gas station, church, armory and helicopter.
You have been arrested three times and have always managed to escape.
Money to eat
You've raised enough money to buy some chocolate for dinner.
You checked on Tuesday's baby, you treated Jimmy, and you had Stan communicate with his wife.
Expert thief
You disabled the supermarket camera.
Young shaman
You have completed the ritual in full.
Not just sand
You escaped the sandstorm and suffered less than 3 hits.
Eye for an eye
You didn't speak during the interrogation.
Serial number 894732
You told the truth during the interrogation.
Too easy
You have reached the containment area with the general.
Two souls
You started a scene in Co-op mode.
Entity dominatrix
You have always won against evil entities.
Over the life
You entered the Underworld.
I choose life
You have chosen to stay in the real world.
Convince Dawkins
You convinced Dawkins to accept the truth.
Sun off
You turned off the black sun.
Silver Trophies
The end
You have discovered one of the possible realities ... Finish Beyond: Two Souls at least once.
Fuori controllo
You didn't miss a chance to be mean to Aiden. This trophy requires you to use Aiden to perform various "bad" actions throughout the course of the adventure, or rather in the game range from the chapter "THE EXPERIMENT" to "THE DINNER".
Never alone
You've had at least one love affair.
You have found all the bonuses.
A better world
You killed all possible characters and chose to live with them in the Underworld.
Gold Trophies
All safe
You saved all the characters that could be saved.
Together until the end
Completed the game in cooperative mode.
All the endings
You've seen all the endings.
Platinum Trophies
Beyond: Two Souls Dominated
Collected all the trophies in the game.
Beyond: Two Souls is a 2013 graphic adventure developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC.
► Beyond: Two Souls is an Adventure type game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 08/10/2013 The version for PC came out on 18/06/2020 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 24/11/2015
Beyond: Two Souls is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to rate it with a 73%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Beyond: Two Souls Review