Dark Souls has accustomed millions of players to collect a disproportionate number of souls in order to enhance their character. Code Vein does a similar operation with the haze, which allows you to level up, get skills and take advantage of shops. Accumulating it is very simple: just defeat the enemies that infest the game maps; however, what is the most efficient technique for obtaining haze?
The first step is to start a conversation with Coco, a character who will give the protagonist his own blood code. Coco's Blood has a passive ability that can increase the amount of haze gained by defeating enemies. This gift will not be available immediately, but it requires the discovery of a particular vestige before it can be used. This is the Vestige of the Survivor 2, an object easily recoverable during the exploration of the Ashen Cave. Thanks to the vestige it will be possible to relive the memories of Coco with the help of Io, a fundamental character to unlock the maximum potential of the various blood codes.
Once you have the ability "Revenant's Hunger" just equip it and defeat some enemies, so as to make it available for any code we want to use. This step is necessary in order to use the gift without having to resort to Coco's blood. Although it may all seem very cumbersome, it will only take a few hours inside the world of Code Vein to be able to master this intricate progression system.
This skill is all it takes to build up haze. The enemies in fact release a large amount even without the gift, as well as having the ability to provide items to sell in exchange for haze. In Code Vein there are the Depths, secondary dungeons that, if completed, can offer a hefty reward. These areas are full of enemies, making them the best areas to take down hordes of enemies.
► Code Vein is an Action-RPG type game developed and published by Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 27/09/2019
Code Vein is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Code Vein Review