How to conduct all bossfights in Crash Bandicoot 4. Part one.
In this first part of ours boss fight guide in Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time we will explain how to come out as winners in every battle with the mega-villains of the Activision title, recently also published on PS5. Obviously, defeating the bosses does not only serve to progress in the story, but also to acquire skins and trophies.
Dive from the stage: N. Gin
At the end of a cut scene you will find yourself in a narrow conveyor belt where some fast moving enemies will rush at you. Repel them by trying to destroy the giant speaker in the background, after which you will have a limited time to attack N. Gin. In fact, you will return to a wider conveyor belt and you will have to dodge some battery "hits" that will hit you. Jump over the green ones and dive under the red ones. Destroy the speakers once again. You will have to use the Lani-Loli mask to reach N. Gin and hit him again.
At the end you will have to dodge the drum-beats once again using a series of small platforms. Enemies will appear on the platforms in front of you: reach them and rotate them to destroy the speakers. Then, use Lani-Loli to reach N. Gin and attack him for the last (final) time. Good Job!
The jetboard and Louise
In this Crash Bandicoot 4 boss fight, Louise comes as a surprise at the end of the level. It is a large sea monster that will attack you with its tentacles. You will be on the jetboard so you cannot attack directly. Instead, you'll have to take out the enemies that slowly chase you from the tentacles, damaging Louise altogether. Instead, keep an eye on where Louise's shots go - the affected area is highlighted and there is a couple of seconds of warning before she attacks. By doing so you will arrive at checkers.
Trouble in sight: N.Brio
N. Brio will start by throwing pink potions at you. When they land, you'll need to jump over the widening circle. Eventually he will throw a green potion, which will turn into a blob. Attach it by rotating it around to send it back to the sender. The next part is more or less the same, until the boss breaks the two potions together and the graphics go crazy. You will therefore have to dodge even more pink potions, and three more green monsters.
In the final stage N. Brio drinks his potions and transforms into a Hulk-like beast. By dodging his attacks you will get the Akano Mask. When N. Brio becomes dizzy, use the Dark Matter Spin to push him off the edge of the arena to the end.
Of course, the boss fights in Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time don't end there. Soon on these pages our guide - part 2. Activate notifications!
► Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is a platform-type game developed and published by Activision for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 02/10/2020 The version for PC came out on 26/03/2021 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 12/03/2021
Version for PlayStation 5 from 12/03/2021
Version for Xbox Series X from 12/03/2021
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