Download Infinita: a name that overflows with power in a place overflowing with lava. Do you remember Quelaag, the Chaos Witch? Breathtaking woman from the waist up, but merged with a spider's body ever since Flame of Chaos she went out of control, watching over the Fair Lady, the immobile and blind sister, another of the seven daughters of the Witch of Izalith.
They weren't all girls in the Izalith house, though: no, there was also a boy.
Not even he was able to save himself from the chaotic flames: becoming Infinite Discharge, perhaps life had one of the worst destinies in store for him, given his uniqueness. Boss with one of the most impersonal names in the franchise, Infinite Discharge is the reason why the real Ruins of the Demon are inaccessible, thanks to the lava flows that gush from his body.
There is only one way to pass, to get to Izalith and claim a fragment of Lord Gwyn's soul: to kill Infinite Discharge, and with it his torture.
The Demon Ruins are a place of pain: How else to describe the sight of men trailing on the ground with a sac of eggs growing on their backs? And further on, beyond the fog, the most painful sight of all: Infinite Discharge, alive, static, with the glassy eyes towards black rags: the remnants of his sister. One of the many, but still a being with him shares a blood bond, even in death, even in the limbo in which the male of the matriarchal figure par excellence is forced into that purple place, the Witch of Izalith.
Infinite Discharge will not attack us on sight. To do this - and we must do it - we must anger him. Make it aggressive, make it… protective. Collect the clothes of the dead sister, and maybe wear them for the excellent fire defense it gives, it will trigger the giant demon that will attack us with its demonic and fraternal fury. Download Infinite is truly ceaseless (part of its name in English), relentless, towards the Chosen Undead, and how to blame him? How many regrets must he have, and how much time to mull over ...
Il best advice against Download Infinite is to go light, in the literal sense of the term: arrive with a 'light armor able to make you dodge more easily. His attacks are too powerful to be parried with a meager shield. The boss is not difficult, but his aggression can make you missteps. Reaching him (if dead) when he's already angry will make things more strenuous. Remember to use rings and pyromancies (like Defensive Sweat, for example, which helps you better withstand the creature's fiery attacks).
Observe his eyes and the color it takes: they change depending on the distance from you. Weak to magic.
- Shot with tentacle: Impossible to miss, the top of Infinite Discharge is covered in tentacles that it has learned to use in an offensive manner. The boss will swing a vertical slash directed at the ground with a huge tentacle, also causing a shockwave if you are nearby. Prevent damage by watching the boss and when he charges the tentacle. If you avoid it, you will have a few seconds to hit the tentacle;
- Shot with two tentacles: as above, only this time the tentacle knocks twice, like the postman. Infinite Blast can also power up these first two attacks by igniting the tentacle, doing more damage;
- Multi-tentacle: In its heat, Download will wiggle its tentacles throughout the arena, between six and ten times. Take advantage of the covers of the arena: remember that you can also go back;
- Sprawling sweep: horizontal rather than vertical tentacle stroke (s). Like any sweep, if taken really badly you could be thrown down;
- Wave of fire: attack that the young Download will love to use when you are far from him (and especially if you go back through the fog). The boss will launch a powerful wave of fire. The best countermeasure is to stay close to it, because it covers a large area and is difficult to dodge. The attack cannot be blocked.
We can't skimp on saying that Infinite Download is a somewhat peculiar boss. Many players still consider it a game bug, yet it is a legitimate and possible alternative: take advantage of the ingenuity of Download Infinite by making it fall down. In fact, it is possible to be chased by the boss throughout the arena, which goes from the arch of the fog to the main square, theater of the battle. The boss, blinded by anger, he will chase us when we are too far away even for its wave of fire, so with a little delay just enough to get close to the fog. At this point, Download Infinita will launch against us in a last, desperate attempt to make us pay for the theft of the garment, but will not be able to reach us, remaining hanging on the edge of an abyss. A few blows to the barely holding tentacle and Discharge will tumble down, automatically dying. So the boss becomes very easy: just let yourself be chased and let the demon go to his death.
On the departure of Infinite Download, the lava will solidify allowing the passage of the Chosen Undead.
- 20.000 souls;
- x1 Humanity;
- x1 Bone of Return;
- The Ember of Chaos, exploring the now solidified area, guarded by numerous Taurus Demons, now become common enemies.
The youngest of the bloodline of the Witch of Izalith inadvertently causes the genesis of another aberration in the Ruins, the Centipede Demon, which will be covered in one of the next guides.
By a strange irony of fate, before becoming an endless source of lava, Infinite Discharge was born with sores all over his body caused by living in an underworld filled with magma. It was then that the sisters gave him a enchanted ring to alleviate his unspeakable pains. Unfortunately, the little boy was destined to lose him and be hit in full by the Flame of Chaos, becoming a repulsive being. Under the bark of molten lava, however, the heart of a protective brother still beats; the only comfort in his miserable life is to do from guardian at his sister's grave. Filled with regret, Endless Download is one of the saddest characters in Dark Souls, victim of the personal war of a wicked mother. Won war, but one that forced his own creature to an eternity of pain.
Was it worth it, mom?
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