One of the most beautiful areas of Dark Souls II is undoubtedly the Forte Ferreo. In addition to the undoubted aesthetic beauty, this map is also characterized by another non-negligible detail: it is a good farming area for those interested in accumulating souls to level or make purchases. Also here we find a really noteworthy NPC, not only for the items it sells. The main boss of the area is the Old Iron King: a truly wonderful enemy, characterized by a very interesting background, like many other enemies created by FromSoftware.
Strategy and useful advice
As soon as you enter the arena, you will find yourself in front of hostile terrain: you will be on a peninsula surrounded by lava, with a huge boss capable of inflicting massive damage on you and throwing you down, killing you. Immediately run to the right side of the area, so that you are face to face with the Old Iron King, one of the four "Ancients" in Dark Souls II. Once in position, follow the simple instructions that we leave below and you will be able to get away with it.
First of all, pay attention to the punches: when the boss hits the ground, dodge and take the opportunity to hit his arms when he leaves them on the ground for a few seconds. When using the fiery breath, take cover behind the wall in the terminal area of the peninsula (near the fog, holding up the shield: you never know, better be foresight!). As soon as he finishes blowing run close to him, otherwise he will move to follow you and make the cover unusable. If you try to take refuge too far in the arena the boss will use the fiery beam, impossible to dodge in this case and very harmful. When he gets below 50% of his life points, he will start to unleash columns of fire from his fists: do not approach them until they finish because, in addition to being harmful, they can make you fall into the lava ending the fight.
Know that you can hit him even when he is breathing fire by placing yourself on his left near his shoulder, but it is risky, as hitting him too much will fall into the lava. By following these simple tips and learning enemy patterns, you should have victory in your pocket.
- Punch or sweep: punch that hits in front of you, followed by a sweep with the arm, not necessarily in that order.
- Punch or double explosive punch: frontal blow that hits the ground (and you if you are within its range); it is followed by a fiery shock wave
- Firestorm: When below 50% of his life total, the Iron King creates columns of fire around the double fist
- Fiery breath: the boss breathes fire at about 120 ° in front of him or in front of him; at this juncture, you can hit it being careful not to fall into the lava
- Fiery Laser: beam of fire from the boss's hand; use it if you find yourself too far away from him; dodge it sideways
- Dive and surfacing: Occasionally the boss will dive into lava, leaving splashes of magma on the arena that will disappear shortly after; it will then re-emerge in front of the player, throwing away more lava
- Blast: Rarely, the Old Iron King will close in on himself and release a powerful shockwave
- Soul of the Old Iron King
- 48000 souls / 96000 (NG +)
- Soul of the Ancient King (NG + only)
The gigantic being with demonic features is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most fascinating bosses of the second chapter of the trilogy created by Hidetaka Miyazaki and, probably, of the entire Dark Souls universe. Excluding the obvious charm of a simply magnificent location of the clash, it is certainly him, the majestic Old Iron King (some hypothesize his presence inside the first Dark Souls), who proudly defends one of the four “Ancient” souls present within Dark Souls II. The Old King is a bit of a metaphor for the typical cadence of Miyazaki's titles, since his is a story of wealth, power and justice, irreparably lost due to a sequence of bad choices and an increasingly overwhelming madness. The gigantic demon, in fact, once reigned serenely on Fort Ferreo together with his trusted guards, the Knights of Alonne, who, again and again, endlessly, defend the walls of what was once their proud home.
Impossible, indeed, not to feel sadness for him, once the battle is over and having heard his heartbreaking cry, perhaps, in all probability, for deliverance. In any case, we are faced with one of the most successful bosses of the much discussed and controversial Dark Souls II.
► Dark Souls II is an RPG-Adventure game developed by FromSoftware and published by FromSoftware Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the video game was released on 11/03/2014 The version for PC came out on 25/04/2014