As also indicated in our review, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot presents a rather simple skill tree but with many skills and Super Attacks to be upgraded through Z Orb.
Meanwhile, it must be said that in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot the Z Orbs will be of various types and rarities: Blue / Red / Green, Rainbow, Silver and Gold.
The most basic spheres, Blue / Red / Green, will be easily recoverable by exploring the game map while the rarest ones will need some extra care. It will be possible to identify even a small amount of Rainbow spheres in the game map usually in isolated areas, however we do not recommend this approach as it will prove to be slow and rather expensive in terms of playing time.
The most effective method of acquiring Rainbow Orbs will be to face the battles of the main quest and subquests, most of the time you defeat a main story enemy you will get at least 2 Rainbow Z Orbs. To maximize this process it becomes useful to place Soul Emblems in the Division Dei of the Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Community Bulletin Board, in order to increase the number of Z Orbs that can be obtained with each victory.
At this point, only the rarest Z Orbs are missing: to get Silver and Gold orbs it will be necessary to defeat the enemy mobs characterized by a red aura. Usually these are groups of wandering enemies, enhanced compared to the average, that will appear for a limited time in certain areas of the game world.
The areas where these enemies will appear will be characterized on the map by a red crown: you will need to be prepared with a good supply of healing items and pay close attention as they will be really challenging enemies (at least until you have upgraded your character properly). Alternatively, it will be possible to collect the Seven Dragon Balls and make a special wish able to fill us with the precious resources necessary for skill upgrades.
At this point, having collected the various Z Orbs, we just have to access the skill tree and enhance all our attacks.
► Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is an Adventure-RPG game developed and published by Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 31/12/2019