Three simple ways to win the “Dear Leader” trophy.
Making a settlement 100% happy isn't really an issue that can be done quickly. A lot of patience is needed, as well as resources, as well as having to dedicate a few hours just to that purpose, since it is not enough to have all the resources in positive. Our advice is to leave this trophy behind until you are far advanced in the Commonwealth, as a large number of caps are required to obtain it. The main requirements are:
- Bed, water and food for each individual in the settlement, possibly a few more dollars;
- Defense must exceed double the sum of all resource levels [Defense = 2 (Food + Water + Beds + Electricity)];
- Talent Local Leader, of the Charisma branch
- All unused settlers must work at a level three clinic (surgical centers).
However, there are three different methods that you can follow to facilitate this task, and we explain them below:
Fallout 4 100% Happiness - Dear Leader
Method 1 - Red Rocket Gas Station
One of the easiest ways to get the trophy is to set up a settlement at Red Rocket. Inside it you will have to build:
- 6 level three clinics (surgical centers), for a total of 10.800 caps (1800 caps each);
- Various Mutated Fruit plants, up to level 12 in food;
- Enough water up to level 15;
- Defense turrets up to level 36;
- A bed for each individual settler;
- A bell
- A chair next to the bell.
Now bring seven more settlers inside the settlement and send 6 to the surgical stations, while the seventh leave to food. Ring the bell for all the settlers to approach you, then wait for them to return to their business. As soon as they have all moved away from you, rest using the chair for 22/24 hours. When you wake up your happiness will have risen a few points, but not enough for the maximum level. To reach it you will have to ring the bell and repeat the following operations.
Method 2 - Sanctuary
Once you have reached 21 colonists using the recruitment marker, you will need to:
- 4 colonists are dedicated to food, in order to have food at level 20 (remember to use Mutated Fruit plants);
- Having a level of water higher than that of food;
- 16 third-level clinics (surgical centers);
- Bring the defense above 200;
- A bell
- A chair next to the bell.
The chair needs to be built close to the clinics so that most of them are visible. Ring the bell every 48 hours of waiting, until happiness is 99%. From this moment on it is advisable to leave the console / PC on for an hour, keeping the character close to the clinics. Upon your return you will have reached 100%.
Method 3 - Red Rocket Gas Station (2)
The third method takes you back to the Red Rocket station, along with six settlers, where you need to build:
- A wall around the entire building area, thus making the settlement difficult to attack;
- 5 level three clinics (surgical centers);
- Two water pumps to reach level 6;
- You are Mutated Fruit to reach level 6 in food;
- 7 beds, one for you and the other for the six settlers;
- Enough turrets to bring the defense to 80+;
- Try to build as many objects as possible so that the settlement size bar turns yellow.
Send five settlers to work at the clinics, while only one of them to food. Wait for the green arrow to appear next to happiness and rest on your bed for 24 hours. When you wake up, open the menu of the Officina (or Workshop, ed) and keep it open until happiness rises again. Then sleep for another 24 hours and repeat the following. To bring happiness to 100% it will be necessary to repeat the operation for one / two hours.
In case you have any other doubts about it, we leave you to the following video:
[youtube url = ”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Cjk1eRKuFw” fs = ”1 ″]
We also remind you that Fallout 4 players on PC will be able - with some geeky tricks - to bring happiness to 100% simply by entering a few commands on the game console. To find out how to do it, refer to the Cheats and Codes of Fallout 4.