In Fallout 76, when you level up, you have a point to spend on features, and after a certain range of levels, you have a chance to unlock a perk. The unlocking of the perk takes place via the Perk Cards, which must be inserted in the right slots, based on the category.
The more points you spend on a certain attribute, the more cards connected to it you can equip. There is always the possibility for the player to go back and review his decision, completely changing the "build". IS It is always a good idea to remember to check if you can equip cards, before unlocking a certain for, or you will have to wait for the next level up. After a certain number of levels (precisely and level 6, then 8, then 10 and after every 5 levels), you will have the opportunity to obtain packs of Perk Cards, which will unlock four Perk Cards chosen at random. It is also possible to enhance these cards, merging two of the same to create a more powerful one.
Below are the parameters and what they affect:
- FORCE: This parameter increases the damage of melee attacks, making the character much more versatile and capable of doing massive damage even when the ammo is run out. It also increases the transportable load.
- PERCEPTION: This increases the accuracy of weapons during SPAV so that you can hit enemies and available targets with greater ease.
- CONSTITUTION: This increases HP, sprint distance, and disease resistance. It is very important in Fallout 76, as you get sick easily.
- CHARISMA: Provides the ability to share the benefits of equipped Perk Cards with your party and increases the rewards provided by party events.
- INTELLIGENCE: This affects the durability of the items and the amount of materials obtained from the terminals and materials
- AGILITY: This provides a higher amount of AP and allows you to pass behind enemies without being seen more easily
- FORTUNA: This affects the power and durability of the items obtained. This also increases the reload speed of the Critical Hits during the SPAV..
Choose carefully how to spend your points if you want to be truly SPECIAL!
► Fallout 76 is an RPG-Shooter type game developed and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 14/11/2018
Fallout 76 is a game that we recommend only to true fans of the genre: we have decided to evaluate it with a 58%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fallout 76 review