Perks are very important in Fallout 76 more than in the other titles in the series since it is an online game and you have to get as many advantages as possible in any way possible. Below we will explain in detail all the functions of the various perks, so that you can decide wisely which ones to increase, and consequently your build.
The perks in Fallout 76 seem to follow the SPECIAL system of the old Fallout, but with a different way of working, as you will need to equip Perk Cards here to take advantage of the benefits. Each card then has its own level, its own rank, which you can increase in order to obtain greater advantages.
There are many different perks in this title and below we will go through them one by one, along with their effects, combined with the attributes connected to them.
These Perk Cards are used to have a greater amount of melee damage and increase the power of heavy weapons. Let's see them in detail:
- Iron Fist (rank: 5, level required: 2): Punch attacks do + 20 / + 40 / + 60 / + 80 / + 100 damage with a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to stagger the your opponent;
- Traveling Pharmacy (rank: 3, required level: 3): the weight of all chemicals (including Stimpacks) is reduced by 30/60/90%;
- Bandolier (rank: 3, level required: 4): ammunition weighs 30/60/90% less;
- Gladiator (rank: 3, required level: 5): your one-handed melee weapons do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Pack Council (rank: 3, required level: 6): the weight of all materials is reduced by 25/50/75%;
- Slugger (rank: 3, required level: 7): your two-handed melee weapons do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Shotgunner (rank: 3, required level: 10): your shotguns do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Basher (rank: 2, required level: 11): a gunshot does 20/50% more damage with a 5/10% mutilate rate for your opponent;
- Sturdy Frame (rank: 2, required level: 13): armor weighs 25/50% less;
- Barbarian (rank: 3, level required: 14): each point to the Strength attribute adds +2/3/4 damage resistance;
- Martial Artist (rank: 3, required level: 16): the weight of your melee weapons is reduced by 20/40/60% and you can switch weapons 10/20/30% faster;
- Scattershot (rank: 4, level required: 18): shotguns weight is reduced by 20/40/60/80% and their reload speed is increased by 10/20/30/40%;
- Expert Gladiator (rank: 3, required level: 20): your one-handed melee weapons do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Blocker (rank: 3, required level: 21): take 15/30/45% less damage from melee attacks;
- Exper Shotgunner (rank: 3, required level: 23): your shotguns do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Exper Slugger (rank: 3, required level: 24): your two-handed melee weapons do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Strong Back (rank: 4, required level: 26): increases the equipable load by 10/20/30/40;
- Heavy Gunner (rank: 3, required level: 30): your non-explosive firearms do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Ordnance Express (rank: 3, required level: 31): the weight of throwable explosives decreases by 30/60/90%;
- Full Charge (rank: 2, level required: 33): dashing with power armor consumes half the necessary or no more energy of the fusion core;
- Incisor (rank: 3, required level: 34): your melee weapons ignore 25/50/75% of your opponent's armor;
- Bear Arms (rank: 4, required level: 35): heavy weapons weigh 20/40/60/80% less;
- Lock and Load (rank: 3, required level: 37): heavy weapons reload 10/20/30% faster;
- Bullet Shield (rank: 4, required level: 39): gain 10/20/30% greater damage resistance when using a heavy weapon;
- Expert Heavy Gunner (rank: 3, required level: 40): your non-explosive heavy weapons do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Pain train (rank: 3, required level: 41): damage or crush or tear apart or stagger an enemy by running towards him with the power armor;
- Master Gladiator (rank:, 3 required level: 43): your one-handed melee weapons do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Master Shotgunner (rank: 3, level required: 45): your shotguns now do 10/15% more damage;
- Master Slugger (rank: 3, required level: 48): your two-handed melee weapons now do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Master Heavy Gunner (rank: 3, level required: 50): Your non-explosive heavy weapons now do 10/15/20% more damage.
These Perk Cards affect the way the character reacts to the surrounding environment; they can also be used to find more items and increase your SPAV. Let's see them in detail:
- Concentrated Fire (rank: 3, required level: 2): SPAV can now target limbs; concentrating fire increases accuracy and damage;
- Butchers Bounty (rank: 3, required level: 3): 40/60/80% of finding extra meat when looting animal corpses;
- Green Thumb (rank: 1, level required: 4): you get double the resources when you collect plants;
- Picklock (rank: 1, required level: 5): get +1 to the picking skill and increase the width of the sweet spot by 10%;
- Crackshot (rank: 4, required level: 7): all guns have a range greater than 5/10/15/20% more accurate aim;
- Rifleman (rank: 3, required level: 8): non-automatic rifles now do 10/15/20% more damage;
- SkeetShooter (rank: 4, level required: 10): your shotguns have a much more accurate aim and a greater range;
- Pannapictagraphist (rank: 1, required level: 12): when near a magazine, a sound is heard that indicates its direction;
- Exterminator (rank: 3, required level: 14): your attacks ignore 25/50/75% of an insect's armor;
- Commando (rank: 3, level required: 15): basic combat training causes your auto rifles to do +10/15/20 damage;
- PerceptiBobble (rank: 1, required level: 16): when near a Bobblehead, you hear a sound indicating its direction;
- Ground Pounder (rank: 4, level required: 18): auto rifles now reload 10/20/30/40% faster and have better accuracy;
- Expert Picklock (rank: 1, required level: 19): get +1 to the picking skill and increase the width of the sweet spot by 10%;
- Expert Rifleman (rank: 3, required level: 20): non-automatic rifles now do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Fortune Finder (rank: 1, required level: 22): when near a supply of Caps, you hear a sound indicating its direction;
- Night Person (rank: 3, required level: 24): get +1/2/3 to INT and +1/2/3 to PER during the hours between 6 PM and 6 AM;
- Expert Commando (rank: 3, level required: 25): rigorous combat training causes your auto rifles to do +10/15/20 damage;
- Awareness (rank: 2, level required: 27): you can see the specific damage resistance of a target within the SPAV;
- Sniper (rank: 3, required level: 28): you have better control and a 20/40/60% greater ability to hold your breath when aiming with the optical sight;
- Tank Killer (rank: 4, level required: 30): your rifles ignore 10/20/30/40% armor and have a 2/4/6/8% chance to stagger;
- Refractor (rank: 4, required level: 32): gain +5/10/15/20 to energy resistance;
- Glow Sight (rank: 3, required level: 33): deals 20/40/60% more damage to Burning enemies;
- Grenadier (rank: 2, required level: 35): your explosives detonate with a radius greater than 50% or with a radius doubled;
- Longshot (rank: 4, level required: 37): rifles have 5/10/15/20% greater range and increased accuracy;
- Fire in the Hole (rank: 3, level required: 38): see the trajectory when you throw grenades and they go further than 15/30/50%;
- Master Picklock (rank: 1, required level: 40): get +1 to the picking skill and increase the width of the sweet spot by 10%;
- Master Rifleman (rank: 3, required level: 42): non-automatic rifles now do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Master Commando (rank: 3, level required: 45): lifelong combat training causes your auto rifles to do +10/15/20 damage;
- Night Eyes (rank: 2, level required: 47): gain night vision when you walk hidden between 6 PM and 6 AM;
- Penetrator (rank: 3, level required: 50): the SPAV can hit normally blocked body parts.
These Perk Cards help you survive. They usually affect how you react to food, chemicals, and radiation. Let's see them in detail:
- Lead Belly (rank: 3, required level: 2): take 30/60% less radiation or no radiation from food and drinks;
- Dromedary (rank: 3, required level: 3): all drinks quench thirst by 25/50/75% more;
- Iron Stomach (rank: 3, required level: 4): your chance of catching a disease from food is reduced by 30/60/90%;
- Slow Metabolizer (rank: 3, required level: 5): all foods satisfy hunger by 25/50/75% more;
- Thirst Quencher (rank: 3, required level: 6): drinking any liquid has a 30/60/90% reduced chance of causing disease;
- Good Doggy (rank: 1, required level: 8): Eating dog food now provides a triple benefit;
- Natural Resistance (rank: 3, required level: 10): your chance of catching a disease from the environment is reduced by 30/60/90%;
- Hydro Fix (rank: 2, required level: 12): chemicals generate 50% less thirst or not at all;
- Rejuvenated (rank: 2, required level: 21): get more benefits by being Well Nourished or Well Hydrated;
- Cola Nut (rank: 2, required level: 14): Nuka-Cola products now provide double or triple benefit;
- Vaccinated (rank: 3, required level: 16): your chance of catching a disease from creatures is reduced by 30/60/90%;
- Munchy Resistance (rank: 2, required level: 17): chemicals generate 50% less hunger or not at all;
- Homebody Card (rank: 2, level required: 19): gain increased health and body parts regeneration when in your camp or laboratory;
- Adamantium Skeleton (rank: 5, required level: 21): damage you take to limbs is now reduced by 20/40/60/80/100%;
- Solar-Powered (rank: 3, level required: 22): get +1/2/3 to STR and COS in the hours between 6 AM and 6 PM;
- Chem Fiend (rank: 3, required level: 23): all chemicals have a 30/60/100% longer duration;
- Cannibal (Rank: 3, Required Level: 25): Eating the corpses of humans, ghouls, super mutants, blazers, or mole miners provides more health and more hunger.
- Aqua Boy or Girl (rank: 1, required level: 26): you no longer take radiation damage while swimming and you can breathe underwater;
- Fireproof (rank: 3, required level: 27): gain +20/40/60 fire resistance;
- Nocturnal Fortitude (rank: 2, required level: 29): gain +20/40 to maximum health between 6 MP and 6 AM;
- Ironclad (rank: 5, level required: 30): gain 10/20/30/40/50 resistance to damage and energy while wearing power armor;
- Revenant (rank: 2, level required: 32): get + 25/50% damage bonus for two minutes when a player resurrects you;
- Rad Resistant (rank: 4, required level: 34): gain +10/20/30/40 radiation resistance;
- Ghoulish (rank: 3, required level: 36): radiation now regenerates a little (or more) of your lost health;
- Radicool (rank: 1, required level: 38): the more you are contaminated by radiation, the greater your strength (maximum +5 STR);
- Professional Drinker (rank: 3, level required: 39): there is no possibility that you will become an alcoholic;
- All Night Long (rank: 3, required level: 41): suffer 20/40/60% less from hunger or thirst;
- Chem Resistant (rank: 2, required level: 43): you have half the chance to become addicted when you use chemicals or are completely immune to them;
- Sun-Kissed (rank: 2, level required: 45): regenerates radiation damage slowly or quickly in the hours between 6 AM and 6 PM;
- Photosyntetic (rank: 2, level required: 47): gain a health regeneration or improved health regeneration in the hours between 6 AM and 6 PM;
- Lifegiver (rank: 3, level required: 50): Gain a total of +15/30/45 to your maximum health.
These Perk Cards provide upgrades to the party, rather than giving more opportunities to make friends with the game's NPCs, as was the case in previous titles. Let's see them in detail:
- Inspirational (rank: 3, level required: 2): when you are in a team, you get 5/10/15% more experience points;
- Happy Camper (rank: 2, required level: 3): hunger and thirst increase by 40/80% less when you are in the field or workshop of a group;
- Lone Wanderer (rank: 4, level required: 4): when you venture alone, you take 10/15/20% less damage and 10/20/30% AP regeneration;
- Bodyguards (rank: 4, required level: 5): gain 6/8/10/12 damage and energy resistance (maximum 18/24/30/36) for each member of the party, including you;
- Hard Bargain (rank: 3, required level: 7): the purchase and sale prices of sellers' items are lower;
- EMT (rank: 3, required level: 9): players you revive spawn with health regenerating for 15/30/60 seconds;
- Bloodsucker (rank: 3, required level: 11): blood bags now quench thirst, no longer radiate and heal 50/100/150% more health;
- Magnetic Personality (rank: 2, level required: 13): gain +1/2 Charisma for each member of the party, including you;
- Field Surgeon (rank: 2, level required: 15): Stimpacks and RadAway now act faster;
- Happy-Go-Lucky (rank: 2, required level: 17): your luck is now increased by 2/3 while under the influence of an alcoholic drink;
- Injector (rank: 3, required level: 19): the players you revive have +6/12/18 AP regeneration for 10 minutes;
- Team Medic (rank: 4, level required: 20): your Stimpaks now also heal nearby companions by 50/75/100% of their normal effectiveness;
- Quack Surgeon (rank: 1, required level: 22): revive other players with liquor !;
- Party Boy or Girl (rank: 2, required level: 24): the effects of alcoholic substances are now doubled or tripled;
- Travel Agent (rank: 1, required level: 26): pay 30% less for fast travel;
- Healing Hands (rank: 1, required level: 28): the players you revive are cured of radiation;
- Animal Friend (rank: 3, level required: 30): targeting animals below your level gives you a 25/50/75% chance to make them peaceful;
- Overlu Generous (rank: 2, required level: 32): the radiation that has contaminated you gives you the chance to contaminate an enemy with 25/50 radiation with melee attacks;
- Anti – Epidemic (rank: 2, level required: 34): your disease cures have a 50/100% chance to heal even nearby teammates;
- Spiritual Healer (rank: 3, level required: 36): your health regenerates for 5/7/10 seconds after reviving another player;
- Squad Maneuvers (rank: 2, level required: 37): run 10/20% faster when you are part of a group;
- Philanthropist (rank: 3, required level: 39): you quench the hunger and thirst of a more or less large amount of your teammate when you eat or drink;
- Suppressor (rank: 3, required level: 40): decrease the damage of your opponent's attacks by 10/20/30% for 2 seconds after attacking;
- Strange in Numbers (rank: 1, required level: 42): the positive effects of mutations are 25% more powerful if teammates are also mutated;
- Rad Sponge (rank: 3, required level: 44): when contaminated with radiation, periodically heal teammates 15/30/50 radiation;
- Tenderizer (rank: 3, required level: 46): your target receives 5/6/7% more damage for 5/7/10 seconds after you attack;
- Friendly Fire (rank: 3, level required: 48): squadmates hit by your flaming weapons regenerate health in smaller or larger amounts for a short amount of time (Molotov cocktails do not count);
- Wasteland Whisperer (rank: 3, level required: 50): Aiming a creature below your level with a firearm has a 25/50/75% chance of making it peaceful.
These Perk Cards usually affect your ability to repair and hack. They cause you to need fewer materials to produce objects and increase the power of what you produce. Intelligence also increases the durability of objects and the amount of materials obtained from what you find. Let's see them in detail:
- First Aid (rank: 4, level required: 2): Stimpacks heal 10/20/30/40% more health;
- Makeshift Warrior (rank: 3, level required: 3): your melee weapons break 30/60/90% slower and require fewer materials to repair;
- Hacker (rank: 1, required level: 4): you get +1 to hacking skills and the waiting time of the terminals is reduced;
- Licensed Plumber (rank: 3, level required: 5): your tubular weapons break 30/60/90% slower and require fewer materials to repair;
- Pharmacist (rank: 3, required level: 6): RadAways remove 30/60% more radiation or even double that amount;
- Exotic Wapons (rank: 2, level required: 8): You can now produce crossbows and new firearms! (blueprints required) o You can produce modifications for rank 1 exotic weapons (blueprints required);
- Demolition Expert (rank: 5, required level: 10): your explosives do 20/40/60/80/100% more damage;
- Scrapper (rank: 1, level required: 13): get more materials when you recycle weapons and plows;
- Armor (rank: 3, level required: 15): you can now produce advanced mods (blueprints required) o Armor mods cost less materials o Armor made by you has a higher durability;
- Exotic Weapons (Expert) (rank: 2, level required: 16): You can now produce modifications for rank 2 exotic weapons (blueprints required) or Making exotic weapons now requires fewer materials;
- Contractor (rank: 2, level required: 18): producing items at the workshop now requires 25/50% less materials;
- Science (rank: 2, level required: 20): you can now produce energy firearms (blueprints required) o You can produce modifications for rank 1 energy weapons (blueprints required)
- Hacker (Expert) (rank: 1, level required: 22): you get +1 to hacking skills and the waiting time of the terminals is reduced;
- Gunsmith (rank: 3, required level: 23): your firearms break 25/50/75% slower and require fewer resources to repair;
- Exotic Weapons (Master) (Rank: 2, Level Required: 25): You can now produce Mods for Rank 3 Exotic Weapons (Blueprints required) o Exotic weapons you produce have increased durability;
- Fix It Good (rank: 3, level required: 27): you can repair armor and power armor by obtaining a maximum condition increased by 130/160/200%;
- Batteries Included (rank: 3, required level: 28): ammo for energy weapons weighs 30/60/90% less;
- Wrecking Ball (rank: 3, required level: 29): gain 40/80/120% increased damage to items produced in the workshop;
- Science (Expert) (rank: 2, level required: 31): You can now produce modifications for rank 2 energy weapons (blueprints required) or Producing energy weapons now requires fewer materials
- Grease Monkey (rank: 2, level required: 33): workshop items now require 30/60% less resources;
- Chemist (rank: 2, level required: 34): you get double or triple when you produce chemicals !;
- Stabilized (rank: 4, required level: 36): with power armor, heavy weapons have greater accuracy and ignore 10/20/30/40% of the opponent's armor;
- Hacker (Master) (rank: 1, required level: 38): you get +1 to hacking skills and the waiting time of the terminals is reduced;
- Weapon Artisan (rank: 3, level required: 40): you can repair any weapon by getting 130/160/200% more than the normal maximum condition;
- Power Smith (rank: 3, level required: 41): you can now produce advanced power armor mods (blueprints required) o Producing power armor now requires fewer materials o Power armor you make has a longer durability;
- Science (Master) (rank: 2, level required: 43): you can now produce mods for rank 3 energy weapons (blueprints required) o The energy weapons you produce have a longer durability;
- Power Patcher (rank: 3, level required: 44): your power armor breaks 20/40/60% slower and requires fewer resources to repair;
- Nerd Rage (rank: 3, required level: 46): when below 20% health, you gain 20/30/40 more damage resistance, 10/15/20% more damage and an AP regeneration of the 15%;
- Robotics Expert (rank: 3, required level: 48): hacking an enemy robot has a 25/50/75% chance of making it peaceful;
- Portable power (rank: 3, required level: 49): all parts of the power armor and the frame weigh 25/50/75% less;
- Power User (rank: 5, level required: 50): Fusion cores now last 20/40/60/80/200% longer.
These Perk Cards provide you with many movement benefits and increase your AP number. Let's see them in detail:
- Action Boy or Girl (rank: 3, required level: 2): AP regenerates 15/30/45% faster;
- Born Survivor (rank: 3, required level: 3): giving in with 20/30/40% less health will cause the character to automatically use a Stimpak;
- Thru Hiker (rank: 3, required level: 3): food and drinks weigh 30/60/90% less;
- Gun runner (rank: 2, level required: 4): your running speed is increased by 10/20% when you have a gun equipped;
- Moving Target (rank: 3, level required: 5): gain 15/30/45 increased damage and energy resistance while sprinting (does not activate with power armor);
- Gunslinger (rank: 3, level required: 6): your non-automatic pistols now do 10/15/20% increased damage;
- Dead Man Sprinting (rank: 2, required level: 8): sprint 10/20% faster, with a higher AP cost, when your health is below 40/50%;
- Packin 'Light (rank: 3, required level: 9): your guns weigh 25/50/75% less;
- Guerrilla (rank: 3, level required: 10): your automatic pistols now do 10/15/20% increased damage;
- Marathonher (rank: 3, required level: 13): sprinting consumes 20/30/40% less AP;
- Ninja (rank: 3, required level: 15): melee attacks do a multiplied damage of 2.3 / 2.6 / 3 if the enemy did not detect you;
- Evasive (rank: 3, required level: 17): each point put on Agility provides + 1 / + 2 / + 3 resistance to damage and energy (maximum 15/30/45; does not activate with power armor);
- Modern Renegade (rank: 4, level required: 18): gain increased accuracy with pistols and a 1/2/3/4% chance of mutilating a limb;
- Sneak (rank: 5, required level: 20): it is more difficult to spot you when you stealth by 20/30/40/50/60%;
- Home Defense (rank: 3, level required: 22): you can produce and disarm advanced turrets (blueprints required);
- Gunslinger (Expert) (rank: 3, level required: 24): your non-automatic pistols now do 10/15/20% increased damage;
- Guerrilla (Expert) (rank: 3, level required: 25): your automatic pistols now do 10/15/20% increased damage;
- Covert Operative (rank: 3, level required: 27): your ranged sneak attacks do damage multiplied by 2.15 / 2.3 / 2.5;
- Light Footed (rank: 1, required level: 29): when you stealthily walk, you do not activate mines or traps on the floor;
- Enforcer Card (rank: 4, level required: 30): your shotguns have a 5/10/15/20% chance to stagger an enemy and a 3/6/9/12% chance to maim a limb;
- Goat Legs (rank: 2, required level: 32): take 40/80% less damage from falls;
- Ammosmith (rank: 3, required level: 34): produce 30/60/100% more ammo;
- Escape Artist (rank: 1, required level: 35): you are able to shoot while remaining hidden;
- Mister Sandman (rank: 2, required level: 37): your silent weapons do 25/50% more damage at night if you sneak attack;
- White Night (rank: 3, level required: 39): your armor breaks 30/60/90% slower and requires fewer resources to repair;
- Gunslinger (Master) (rank: 3, level required: 41): your non-automatic pistols do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Guerrilla (Master) (rank: 3, level required: 43): your automatic pistols do 10/15/20% more damage;
- Dodgy (rank: 3, required level: 45): you avoid 10/20/30% damage from hits at the cost of 20 AP each;
- Secret Agent (rank: 3, required level: 47): Stealth Boys' effects last double, triple or quadruple;
- Adrenaline (rank: 5, level required: 49): gain 6/7/8/9/10% increased damage (maximum 36/42/48/54/60%) for 30 seconds for each kill; duration recharges each time you kill an enemy;
- Gun Fu (rank: 3, required level: 50): the SPAV changes target when you kill, gaining 10/20/30% increased damage based on how many targets you manage to kill.
These Perk Cards increase the chance of positive things happening for you. In fact, it increases the chance of Critical Hit with the SPAV and the maximum and current durability of the objects you find. Let's see them in detail:
- Pharma Farma (rank: 3, required level: 2): has a 40/60/80% chance of finding extra first aid substances when "Looking" for a chemical container;
- Scrounger (rank: 3, required level: 3): you have a 40/60/80% chance of finding extra ammo when you “search” for an ammo container;
- Serendipity (rank: 3, required level: 5): when you have less than 30% health, you get a 15/30/45% chance to avoid damage;
- CanDo! (rank: 3, required level: 7): you have a 40/60/80% chance of finding extra canned food when you "search" for a container of food;
- Good with Salt (rank: 3, required level: 9): the food in your inventory will rot slower than 30/60/90%;
- Junk Shield (rank: 3, required level: 10): carry materials to gain resistance to damage and energy increased by 10/20/30;
- Mystery Meat (rank: 3, level required: 12): Stimpacks have the ability to generate edible meat; the more one is affected by radiation, the more the possibility increases;
- Luck of the Draw (rank: 3, required level: 14): you have a chance that your weapon will repair itself when you hit an enemy;
- Cap Collector (rank: 4, level required: 15): you have a chance to find extra caps when you open a supply;
- Woodchucker (rank: 1, required level: 17): when you collect wood you get double it;
- Curator (rank: 1, required level: 19): the benefits of bobbleheads and magazines last twice as long;
- Psycopath (rank: 3, required level: 21): each kill with the SPAV has a 5/10/15% chance to fill your Critical Hits gauge;
- Dry Nurse (rank: 1, required level: 23): you have a 50% chance to keep your Stimpack when you resurrect another player;
- Lucky break (rank: 3, required level: 24): you have a chance that your armor will repair when you are hit;
- Mysterious stranger (rank: 3, level required: 26): the Mysterious Stranger will appear occasionally or more often during the SPAV to help you;
- Last Laugh (rank: 1, required level: 27): drop a grenade when you die;
- Four Leaf Clover (rank: 4, level required: 29): each hit during the SPAV has a higher or lower chance of filling your Critical Hits gauge;
- Starched Genes (rank: 2, required level: 30): little or no chance of you mutating due to radiation or RadAway to cure mutations;
- One Gun Army (rank: 4, required level: 31): Heavy firearms have a 2/4/6/8% chance of staggering an enemy or mutilating a limb;
- Grim Reaper's Sprint (rank: 3, required level: 33): each kill during the SPAV has a 15/25/35% chance of returning all AP to you;
- Storm chaser (rank: 2, required level: 35): your health regenerates during a rain or a radiation storm;
- Tormentor (rank: 4, level required: 37): Rifle attacks have a 3/6/9/12% chance of mutilating a limb;
- Ricochet (rank: 4, required level: 38): you have a 5/10/15/20% chance to send back enemy ranged hits (not valid in pvp);
- Quick Hands (rank: 5, level required: 40): you have a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to reload instantly when the magazine is empty;
- Bloody Mess (rank: 3, required level: 42): 5/10/15% bonus damage can mean that the enemy explodes in a bloody red patch;
- Critical Savvy (rank: 3, required level: 44): Critical Hits now consume 55/70/85% of your gauge;
- Class Freak (rank: 3, required level: 46): the negative effects of your mutations are reduced by 25/50/75%;
- Better Criticals (rank: 3, required level: 47): critics during the SPAV now do 20/30/40% more damage;
- Mysterious Savior (rank: 3, level required: 49): a mysterious savior will appear occasionally or more often or regularly to revive you when you die;
- Super Duper (rank: 4, level required: 50): when you produce something, there is a 10/20/30/40% chance that you will get double the amount.
► Fallout 76 is an RPG-Shooter type game developed and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 14/11/2018
Fallout 76 is a game that we recommend only to true fans of the genre: we have decided to evaluate it with a 58%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fallout 76 review