In Fire Emblem: Three Houses there are some unique classes that are not accessible via the normal exams. Most of them are reserved for the protagonist Byleth and the leaders of the Edelgard houses, Dimitri and Claude, who will obtain them through the normal continuation of the story. But there is also another secret class, that of Dancer, which can only be unlocked via a particular event.
The only chance to get this class is in the Chapter 9, during the twelfth month in game. From the beginning of the month, Archbishop Rhea will entrust you with the mission "The Trophy of the White Heron", which will consist of a dance competition between the houses. Our task will be to select one of our students who will take part in the competition to be held on 16/12. The mission will be completed on the two dates available to do so, namely 7/12 or 14/12.

In order to ensure victory, the character must have a Charisma value beyond 13, the higher the better. Keep in mind that it is possible to increase this value with some methods, such as inviting the character for tea or even through equipment. Once chosen, it will also be possible to make him acquire further 5 points in Charisma by talking to us at the monastery and making him do a specific training in view of the competition.
That of the Dancer is considered a magical class, and it will only be possible to assign it to the character who wins the dance competition, so you would do well to choose it carefully. Considering this perspective and the characteristics of the various characters, here is which of the three houses are the most suitable students to obtain the class:
- Black Eagles: Dorothea
- Blue Lions: Mercedes
- Golden Deer: Lysithea
Obviously, remember that you are not tied to just the basic members of the respective houses, but you can recruit other students of the houses previously. To do this, just take a look at our Fire Emblem: Three Houses: Guide to recruitable characters.
Once the dance evening arrives and the competition is won, the character will then get the class and can equip it through the menu from Unit Management - Classes by selecting the Dancer option.
► Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a turn-based-RPG-Tactical game developed by Nintendo Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 26/07/2019
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fire Emblem: Three Houses review