Heroes of the Storm has reached its version 2.0, and with it new characters such as Genji and D.Va have appeared. In this guide we will explain what are D.VA's Synergies and Counters in Heroes of the Storm.
D.VA works particularly well in conjunction with:
- Diablo
- Malfurion
- Uther
Although D.VA is classified as a warrior, she should be regarded by her team members as a frontline bruiser. Because of this, the ideal for her is to be paired with a real tank that can take enemy damage and maybe has some Crowd Control effects.
D.VA will also need good support due to the damage it will take while in enemy lines. Supports capable of handling heavy crowd controls are very powerful in combo with D.VA: once the gamer has penetrated the opponent's ranks, in fact, it will allow them to almost cancel the actions of at least one member of the enemy team.
- Alarak
- Jaina
- Zeratul
- Valeera
D.VA is countered by characters who are able to hit her from far away or who have sufficient Crowd Control. Silences and stuns negate D.Va's Defense Matrix ability, and constrain her to build up the charge needed to summon a new Mech. Assassins with a good level of burst damage are able to destroy D.Va instantly the moment she enters Pilot Asset.
Other Useful Guides:
- Guide to the Build Retrorazzi by D.VA
- D.VA's Defensive Matrix Build Guide
- D.VA Pilot Asset Build Guide