After the Christmas frost, Blizzard did not think twice and to warm the minds he released Miles Lewis, in art Blaze, a Firebat who fought with the Stray of Raynor alongside the hero Terran to save the future of the Dominion. With the addition of Blaze, players will have at their disposal an extremely flexible warrior, able to put together a very high survival capacity, a consistent damage output, a good waveclear potential that makes him able to handle a lane alone, and the possibility of successfully face most of the other heroes in a duel.
The distinctive feature (D) of Blaze è Pyromania, absolutely apt name for this hero. By activating this skill, for 4 seconds Blaze will gain 25 Stamina and deal 0,5 damage to all nearby enemies every 40 seconds. An excellent skill for grilling opponents properly and guaranteeing some protection in excited moments. Unfortunately, however, Pyromania will have to be activated sparingly, as the reload time is extremely long (90 seconds). This long cooldown, however, can be reduced by using the first ability of Blaze.
The first skill of Blaze è Jet of Fire (Q), a low cooldown (4 second) skillshot that deals relatively low damage to all enemies in its path. For each hero hit by Fire Blast, Pyromania's cooldown will be reduced by 5 seconds. Also, hit one Slick of Oil (whose mechanics we will see in the next skill), will set the latter on fire. This skill, although it may seem ineffective at first glance, has strong synergies with the other skills of Blaze.
The second skill is Slick of Oil (W), a vector-targeting ability (such as Alarak's displacement) that coats a portion of ground in oil for 5 seconds, slowing all enemies that come into contact by 40%. However, if a Slick of Oil is set on fire by Jet of Fire, it totally changes its functionality: if on fire, a Slick will last for 2,5 seconds before being extinguished dealing reduced damage to all enemies inside and healing. Blaze, if he is also in flames, every 0,3 seconds. Chiazza d'Olio also has two fillers to maximize its potential.
Blaze's third ability is Powerplant (IS). Using it, Blaze will shoot in the selected direction after a 0,5 second channeling. If an enemy hero hits the trajectory, Blaze will stop stuning the hit hero, but also all other nearby enemy heroes for a full 1,25 seconds. For its potential as a group stun and for a long time, Thruster is an incredibly useful skill for engaging in a fight, but it can also be used to quickly get away from a thorny situation.
The heroic skills of Blaze they are both interesting, but despite their diversity they do not force the player to adopt too different a style of play depending on which one you choose.
The first is Bunker (R). Using it, after 0,5 seconds, a Bunker with 1435 health points (at level 10) and lasting for 10 seconds, identical to the one we know from playing Terran on Starcraft, will appear in the selected location. Blaze will take refuge within it, and so can the allied heroes. In the bunker each of the heroes can use Flamethrower, a special skill capable of dealing moderate damage to all enemies in a straight line. Furthermore, it will not be necessary to wait for the Bunker to be destroyed or to run out of its duration to exit, but you can enter and exit it at will and from any direction, also obtaining 25 resistance for 2 seconds from the exit. Entering a Bunker will also remove all negative effects (such as DoT effects or Chromie's Time Loop).
The second is Conflagration (R). Upon activating this skill, Blaze he can channel it by moving at half its speed and releasing it when he wants, up to a maximum of 2,6 seconds. Upon release, this ability will deal moderate damage to all nearby enemies every 0,5 seconds and slow them by 60%. The duration of damage and slowdown will be proportional to the channeling time and will range from a minimum of 1 second to a maximum of 5.
Do you prefer normal or extra-crunchy?
It 'obvious that Blaze is able to play many roles, and to do it very well. The fact that he is a warrior, but with basic attacks at a distance, and especially in the area, combined with his first two skills allow him to manage a lane alone in complete safety. Pyromania, and the synergistic effect of Slick of Oil and Jet of Fire allow him to have excellent autonomy and survival skills. Furthermore, using the thruster charge in combo, followed by Pyromania and the first two skills with the right positioning, allow this hero to throw himself head down in the middle of the fight, while inflicting good damage and ensuring a good defense, especially after acquiring some useful talent. Blaze he is therefore an all-round hero, who can fill the role of Tank, Bruiser, or just laner, and be a tool with enormous potential in almost any team.