In mordhau, medieval multiplayer game released for PC on April 29th and developed and published by Triternion, we will be able to fight using swords, shields and spikes. But in addition to these weapons, we will be able to send our enemies to the afterlife using a famous siege weapon: the ballista (older version of the lemma than "ballista").
The following guide will show you the steps to take to build one. The above steps take place before and during the match.
First you need to equip the toolbox: This item will allow you to craft defenses and items rather than throw yourself into the fray. To equip the toolbox you have two alternatives, both available before starting a game: the first alternative is to load the preset of your character and select the class as theEngineer; the second, always after loading the character preset, consists in equipping the toolbox as a primary weapon. It will be found in the section Two-Handed Weapons.
Then you can jump into the game. By selecting the toolbox, you will see that it will allow you to build only a crossbow or a cheval de frize. Before building a ballista you will need to find some ammo (you will need to get to 6). Once this is done, find the right position and build your ballista. You are now ready to hit your enemies from a distance with Mordhau's powerful ballista!