If you have lived the era of "pre internet" video games you will know that every single title was filled with urban legends. Endless rumors spread through the corridors of the school or on the benches of the gardens, but none of them was ever officially denied, creating a mystical aura around most of them.
The first titles in the Pokémon series are certainly among the games that have suffered the most from this phenomenon, but with their arrival on Virtual Console we will certainly be able to remove more than a doubt about the veracity of some legends.
The biggest myth that revolved around the title concerned the possibility of meeting the legendary Pokémon Mew, performing a sequence of very specific actions.
After careful research, we were able to trace an informer: the cousin of a friend of ours, who however lives in a garage in America, so his identity must remain secret. Thanks to this powerful contact we became aware of the procedure to be put in place to meet Mew and we are ready to reveal it to you.
Let's start by saying that if you have crossed the pepita bridge, after Celestopoli, you will not be able to carry out the procedure and you will have to start over.
- Having reached Celestopli
- Have an Abra on the team
Having said that let's get to the point:
- Go to the Celestial City Pokémon Center, rest your team, and deposit a Pokémon so that you have free space on your team.
- Continue to PontePepita and defeat all the trainers above the bridge (DO NOT go to the trainer in the tall grass beside the bridge).
- Turn right towards route 24. Here you will find a kind of labyrinth. Challenge in order, as shown in this image, all coaches EXCEPT number 4.
- Use teleportation and return to Celestial City, heal your way and return to the Pepita Bridge. This time, turn left and save your game. Continue along the wall that overlooks the water. The coach you are interested in is just around the corner, where the grass is. You will have to place yourself in front of him but without entering his range
- Now you have to press down and press start together, in order to be seen by the coach but having the game paused. After that, use teleportation back to town. In case of failure, load the previous save.
- Once back in Celestopoli, head to path 24. Once in the maze, place yourself on the north wall in front of the trainer we avoided before, follow it and he will challenge you. Beat his slowpoke and then teleport to town.
- Last step: head towards the PontePepita. During the journey the game will pause by itself, exit the pause menu and Mew will appear, ready to be captured.
We hope this guide has been useful to you. If you are interested in learning more about the Pokémon Blue, Red, and Yellow, present on Virtual Console, we refer you to our video review.