After finishing the main adventure of Final Fantasy XV there are many quests scattered for Lucis to face. One of the most difficult is the dungeon of Pitioss, unique in its genre because it's all about solving puzzles and platforming sessions, rather than battles against hordes of enemies.
Being located in a hidden area of the map, you will first need to have the Regalia Type-F, which you can get by following this guide.
Reach Lestallium at night, between 21.00 and 5.00 in the morning. You have to go to the easternmost alley of the city, keep an eye on the walls of the buildings in this area until you find a point of interest near a window, with which you can interact to overhear the conversation between two thieves, unlocking the mission "A buried fortune".
Now head to the area of Ravatogh and talk to the informant in the Verinas market. By doing this, the area to be reached will be marked on the map, but reaching it will not be easy.
Looking at the map you will notice a small yellow line near the volcano, which indicates a short road located beyond a rock formation that prevents it from being reached normally. The aim is therefore to take off with the Regalia and land near that small path. You will soon discover that the task will be quite difficult due to the difficulty in piloting the Regalia with precision.
We recommend that you first save your game and attempt the maneuver during the day, when visibility is best. To facilitate your orientation, place a sign on the map near the path to reach.
Start from the parking lot near the Ravatogh market and take off with the Regalia. Slow down to the maximum and keep a low altitude. Try to direct your flight in the direction of the path to be able to use its entire length for landing; it may take several turns to settle in the right direction, do not rush.
Once the flight is oriented correctly, as soon as you pass the rocks surrounding the small valley, land and brake as soon as you hit the ground.
It may take several tries not to send the Regalia crashing somewhere, but if you are lucky it may also happen that you don't land well but still be able to survive the fall without a Game Over.
Get out of the car and follow the valley north. Deal with the enemies along the way (or escape, your choice) and keep climbing until you find the Ruins of Pitioss. Noctis will continue alone in the ruins, while his companions will wait for him outside.
To juggle the vicissitudes of the Pitioss dungeon follow this video guide below:
Here are other helpful guides for Final Fantasy XV:
- How to get Ulrich's kukri
- How to run without getting tired
- How to start quickly in the Chocosfide
- How to find and kill kyactus
- How to get PA easily
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- How to listen to OSTs outside the Regalia