As announced a few days ago, currently in Bolivia's Ghost Recon: Wildlands, a very special hunt is underway, where we can be both prey and hunters. The bonus mission, which also features a Predator, the fearsome alien hunter in search of trophies, is ready to give us a hard time. Let's see some tips to better overcome it and enjoy our well-deserved rewards.
First of all, we will have to be a little prepared. Addressing the Predator with inadequate equipment is like committing suicide. We leave sniper rifles and pistols at home, and carry only assault rifles and light machine guns with us. The choice of the type of weapon between these two is up to you, based on your attitudes. The light machine gun, however, is the top, having a large ammunition tank that will allow us to shoot for a long time without reloading. Other equipment that you must have are the mines (or alternatively the C4) and the thermal viewer.
Once the preparations are complete, go to the region of Caymanes, on the right side of the map. There, more or less at the intersection of two large rivers, you will find the starting point of the mission, indicated by a viewfinder Predator yellow color.
Speaking with the surviving girl, we will discover that "something" has slaughtered the soldiers and vanished into the jungle. We then proceed to inspect the three points of interest reported by the girl, also coming to find a real spaceship crashed among the vegetation.
Once we have collected the three clues, we will be directed to the place of the last sighting of the alien. Along the way, we will also find green fluorescent liquid on plants and on the ground, his blood. And, don't forget, if it bleeds, it can die!
After a short way you will come to a clearing, with an ammo crate in the center. Our prey will not hesitate again and will begin to attack us. The clash is frenetic and challenging, the Predator he will often attack from a distance with his laser cannon, both us and our companions. If you see the pointer straight at you, try to sprint immediately behind cover, because after a very short interval there will be a lethal discharge (one shot one death).
The best tactic is to undermine the perimeter as much as possible, being careful when you return to the cashier to restock. The mines, in addition to doing a lot of damage, are also useful in identifying the Predator, since it will be hidden most of the time. The thermal vision will help us further, allowing us to spot it at a glance when it will uncover (yes, the bastard is also shielded when it is invisible). Long bursts and possibly well aimed and never stand still. NEVER.
By following these simple tips, you will see that the Predator he will get what he deserves without much effort.
Good hunting!