Three balloons similar to those in the Call of Duty World War II are hidden in the headquarters of Call of Duty World War II Football mode. If you decide to recover them you will complete the Scout challenge and you will receive a exclusive business card. In this guide we will analyze the exact position of each ball, in order to help you complete this challenge.
First balloon
Collecting this first balloon will be really simple in fact it is positioned in an easily accessible area. You will first have to locate the cannon present near the firing range, then you will have to jump on the small stone column nearby, and then make another jump that will allow you to reach the base where the cannon is resting. Here you will find your first balloon, which once collected can also be thrown away.
Second balloon
Unlike the first, the second ball can be particularly difficult to recover, in fact it will be necessary to jump in some particularly difficult to reach points, but with due patience you will also be able to collect this second ball. All you have to do is go to the cinema, reach the pile of destroyed rocks and jump on it so that you can jump on the cinema curtain. Once you get up here you will have to walk along the entire line of stones until you find yourself in front of the General Howard building which you will have to reach by jumping on the small pipe that is in front of you, thanks to which you will then be able to climb on the roof of the building where the second balloon will be waiting for you.
Third balloon
The third balloon is located above the watchtower - the one where we can practice killing streaks - and as you well know you can't go up the stairs, so you will need to go up via the various posts of the tower. To reach the top of the tower, you will have to jump on the various poles until you notice an iron hook, then jump on it and try to reach the edge of the tower, from there climb over the obstacle and you will reach your third balloon.
You can consult this video that will allow you to better visualize all the various steps, which are particularly difficult to explain, but we hope to have been of help in completing this challenge.