The unique garments and accessories presented here they will help you look different than other players, but they can also be very useful for surviving in Fallout 76 West Virginia.
Where to find unique garments and accessories?
Aside from the Hazmat Suit, all other unique clothing and accessories can be found simply by completing quests.
How to find and unlock unique clothing and accessories:
- Driver Suit (Hazmat) - Reduces damage caused by radiation
- Eye of Ra (Eye of Ra, Accessory) - Upgrade Mistress of Mysteries Insignia: Can be obtained by completing the Mistress of Mystery Quest (Mistress of Mystery) and can be equipped with the Garb of Mysteries.
- Garb of Mysteries (Mystery Clothing, Light Armor) - Increases energy and resistance to ballistic weapons, improves the ability to see and move silently. Worn together with the Eye of Ra increases these effects: can be obtained from the Fabricator by completing the Mistress of Mystery Quest (Initiate of Mysteries)
- Last Bastion (Last Bulwark, Urban Enclave Vest) - No bonus: can be obtained by completing the Officer on Desk quest.
- Prototype Hazmat Suite (Hazmat Suit Prototype) - No bonuses, but radiation resistance: can be obtained by completing the Tracking Unknowns side quest.
- Stand Fast (Combat Armor) - No Bonus: Obtained as a reward by completing the Early Warnings quest.
- Silver Lining (Silver lining, leather bodice) - No bonuses: Obtained as a reward for completing the Tentative Plans quest.
- Trail Warden (Track Guardian, Mesh Vest) - No Bonus: Obtained as a reward for completing the Bureau of Tourism quest.
- Veil of Secrets (Veil of Secrets, Headgear) - Prevents damage and disease from environmental hazards: Can be obtained from the Fabricator after completing the Mistress of Mystery Quest (Into the Mystery).
- Worn Veil (Worn Veil, Headgear) - No bonus: can be obtained after completing the Mistress of Mystery Quest (Into the Mystery)
In this video you will find a walkthrough to face the Mistress of Mystery Quest (through which you can get some of the garments listed above).
► Fallout 76 is an RPG-Shooter type game developed and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 14/11/2018
Fallout 76 is a game that we recommend only to true fans of the genre: we have decided to evaluate it with a 58%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fallout 76 review