If in our last guide on Vampyr we explained step by step how to get all the collectibles of the game, necessary to get the trophy "Guardian of traditions", This time we will give you some advice on how to finish the game without killing any characters, in order to unlock the trophy Not even once.
This is far from an easy undertaking, given that one of the things you will surely miss will be the multitude of experience points that you will be forced to find in alternative ways. So if you are convinced to go all the way, we leave you some advice, some guidelines to follow that will make your work a little easier.
- Have healing items and skills
An ability such as a Blood Shield, which allows you to absorb a certain amount of damage you are receiving, becomes almost indispensable for the success of this objective. Also, always stock up on healing items, they will save your life during the toughest battles.
- Get the Claw skill and use Bite
Claw is a very useful skill, since thanks to it you can damage several enemies very well; don't forget to also use bite, also useful for stuning opponents.
- Complete ANY Investigation
Since you will not be able to get experience points by defeating the different enemies scattered throughout the game, completing any investigation and side quest will surely help you recover at least part of it.
- Heal the NPCs
Going back to what was written earlier on experience points, remember to heal as many NPCs as possible, since you will be able to get additional XP.
- Use the Shadow Veil ability
Although some enemies may reveal you even with this active ability, veil of shadow will make you go unnoticed by most of the NPCs you will meet during the game, thus allowing you to avoid many clashes.
- Enhance the weapons
Be careful throughout the game to recover as many pieces of weapons as possible, as they will allow you to upgrade your paraphernalia. Especially parts like handles and triggers will be especially useful for upgrades.
We hope that this guide has helped you to get the trophy Not even once, and why not maybe even the coveted and desired Platinum.
► Vampyr is an Action-RPG type game published by Focus Home Interactive for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 05/06/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 30/09/2019
Vampyr is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 89%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Vampyr Review