The Runes in Dishonored 2 they are fundamental: thanks to them we can strengthen our alter ego or acquire new powers. With this guide we will go to find every single Rune in the game.
1 # Rune - Mission 2
The first Rune can be found in the water, to the left of the Dreadful Whale. Exit the cabin and take the stairs on the right; go through the door on the left near the bridge, climb over the railing and jump into the sea. The Rune will be at the bottom of the water inside a sunken boat.
2 # Rune
The second Rune can be found inside the giant whale. When Meagan finishes the dialogue with you, go up the stairs to your right and go left, following the trail of blood on the dock. You will soon find yourself in front of a captured whale, the second Rune is inside its mouth.
3 # Rune
The third Rune can be purchased on the black market. After the whale carcass, go up the ladder and enter the door behind the boy who sells the fish. Once inside you will have to find the black market, to do so you just have to follow the graffiti on the wall that represent it: two hands with black fingers and an arrow below to indicate the direction.
4 # Rune
The fourth Rune will be found near the Steward's Palace, a giant building with a large sign posted. Jump into the canal and head right until you reach a small gate. Here you will find the Rune blocked by a board, shoot the board to make it fall. The crossbow is highly recommended as it will not make noise.
5 # Rune
You will find the fifth Rune not far from the previous one, near the Superintendent's palace with the word SEIZED. Instead of throwing yourself into the canal, climb up and circle the building. So with extreme caution go around the corner as it may be under surveillance, go up to the corner balcony and enter the window. Here you will find a safe with the Rune inside, the combination will be found on a table in the room near a barrel of whale oil.
6 # Rune
You will find the sixth Rune nearby. Exit the balcony and jump down onto the terrace and use your powers to jump across the street. Turn the corner and below you will find a preacher speaking to a crowd, take him out along with the guards and collect your prize.
7 # and 8 # Rune
To retrieve the seventh and eighth Rune, you will have to go back to where you got the fourth. Here you will find another balcony near the large Overseer building - use your powers to get to it. Climb to the roof, climb the steps and pass the cigar factory with the Culiero logo, jump into the water and use the chain to return to dry land. You will now notice a blue building on your right. Enter and put Ko the Overseers inside, the two runes are in the altar placed in the room.
9 # Rune
You will find the Ninth Rune in mission 3 of The Good Doctor game, inside the dining room, to get there, all you have to do is turn left into the main hall, here you will find a huge amount of enemies, so you can adopt two tactics, the first completely silent or kill them all. The Rune will be placed on a wall in the dining room.
10 # Rune
The 10th Rune will be present in the Recovery Room. Through the door of Dr. Hypatia's office go down through the back door, at the stairs turn right. The recovery room is infested with Bloodflies so be very careful, open the door, collect the Rune and run away.
11 # -12 # Rune
To find the Eleventh and Twelfth Rune, go back to the door of Doctor Hypatia's office. Turn to the right of the large door and go out, now turn left and finally right: you will find yourself along a large terrace. Enter the door on the right, you will then arrive in a large room with large windows, turn left, and enter the only open door here you will find an altar with the two runes on it.
13 # Rune
The Thirteenth Rune is in the ventilation system of the building, go to the fourth floor and exit to the roof. Here you will have two choices either to use your powers, or to do a nice old fashioned climb. Drop down the ventilation shaft and pick up the Rune on the table.
14 # Rune
In the room where you find the Thirteenth Rune, there is an elevator shaft. Call it up via the button and blow up the red counterweights that block it, now go down to the left and collect the Rune.
From here on we will talk about the Runes present in mission 4 The Good Doctor.
15 # Rune
To find the Fifteenth Rune you will need to enter the haunted building with the word "do not enter". Once inside, go up to the second floor and climb over the small window on the left: as soon as you pass it you will find a gap in the wall where the Rune is present.
16 # Rune
To find the XNUMXth Rune you will have to go back to the station and go through a dark alley. Get past the members of a gang who want to rob you or avoid them with your powers. Inside a box you will find the Rune.
17 # Rune
The next Rune will be found in the upper Aventa district, when you arrive at the building of the Condemned: with your powers go up to the balcony. Once inside, make your way around the building and get to the last room on the left where the Rune will be.
18 # Rune
The last Rune of the 4th mission is present in the laboratory of Jindosh, thanks to the console, bring up the Anatomy version, the Rune will be on the table to your right.
Now we will deal with the Runes present in mission 5 Royal Conservatory.
19 # Rune
The Nineteenth Rune can be purchased on the black market, thanks to the trader Cyria Gardens.
20 # - 21 # Rune
The twentieth and twenty-first Rune can be found inside a hidden sanctuary. Go up to the building that houses a pub inside, teleport yourself over the green building and enter. Inside, covered with plants, you will find the two Runes.
22 # Rune
Head to the greenhouse, via the side entrance where the fountain is. Go to the office on the left and find the key from the wall, go back and continue straight along the room. Unlock the door, and you will find the Rune next to a photo of a monkey on a table.
23 # Rune
On the second floor of the main building, go to the balcony and continue to the living room, the Rune will be on the sofa.
24 # Rune
Go upstairs in the main area, find the painting with the crosses and white lines. Enter the large office nearby, take the stairs and continue down the hall. Here you will find a small shrine next to a tree.
List of runes present in mission 6 Powder District
25 # Rune
The twenty-fifth Rune you can get it after you finish talking with Meagan Foster, go outside. Here you will find a statue, destroy the trap door below it, enter and to the right you will find the Rune.
26 # Rune
Rune number twenty-six can be found a short distance inside the haunted building on the second floor.
27 # - 28 # Rune
Both of these two runes can be found inside The Crone's Hand Saloon, take the last entrance on the left and go up the stairs. Here you will find a small shrine with the two runes on it.
29 # Rune
The last Rune present in this mission can be found in the Superintendent's office, entering the main entrance to the right, but be careful it is heavily guarded. La Runa is located on the second floor.
Runes featured in mission 7 A Crack in the Slab
30 # Rune
To get the XNUMXth Rune, go through the main ports and up the stairs. You will arrive in a room and find what you are looking for on your left.
31 # Rune
When in the past, look for a valve in the basement. Once you find it, throw it through the crack in the brick wall. Go back to the present and place the valve on the pipe, in such a way as to remove all the water in the room, this will allow you to take the Rune above the chest.
32 # Rune
The last Rune present in this mission will be on the second floor of the building, thanks to the tree you will be able to access the second floor. In the past here you will find a worker who is working on a window, knock him out or kill him and go back to the future. The window will now still be in the works: step over it and the Rune will be on a table.
List of runes present in mission 8 The Grand Palace.
33 # Runes
Find the palace with the windmill, thanks to your powers go up to the balcony. Be very careful because there may be Bloodflies inside. The Rune will be found in the bathroom of the room.
34 # Rune
Go to the Winslow depot to receive the black market pass. Leave the shop and turn left around the market, you will find a panel where you can enter the code: go up the stone wall and go left towards the lighthouse. If you don't have the code, look for a group of people around musicians. Climb above the wooden boxes: here you will find a small barricade that will block the passage, once knocked down you will find the altar with the Rune.
35 # Rune
To access this Rune you will have to go back to the secret room of the palace with the inscription "Access to authorized personnel only", press the button on the left to open the door. Inside the Delilah Shrine there is a small passage that will allow you, by breaking the boards to immerse yourself in the channel, the Rune will be right in front of you.
36 # Runes
The following Rune is located inside a safe, the combination will be available at the Duke's office. To get to the office take the elevator and go up to the 3rd floor, enter the door on the right between the two lions. Go back to the elevator and go 2 floors down to the restaurant reception, go to the right of the elevator and enter the door next to the stone lion. Go up the stairs and enter the first door on the right which is the Captain's cabin. The safe with the Rune inside is in that room.
List of runes present in mission 9 Death To Empress.
37 # Rune
The Rune can be purchased on the black market as soon as you arrive at the pier at the start of the mission.
38 # Rune
When you arrive in front of the pile of rubble blocking the passage, thanks to the teleportation, go to the ruined building on your right. Once up, teleport to the front terrace, enter the apartment and arrive at the room with the large painting. Use the barometer on the wall to access the secret room: Here you will find the rune on a shrine.
39 # Rune
Once in the courtyard of the tower, where the Gazebo is located, in which you killed the Empress Jessamine, go down to the engine room. Here, thanks to the walkway and the pipes, you will find the Rune placed on a crawl space.
40 # Rune
The XNUMXth Rune will be in a security room beyond the kitchen, go past the latter and go down to the basement, in front of you you will find the Rune.